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> (although based on musl, instead of usual glibc)

For those who never used musl and Alpine Linux (which PostmarketOS is based on), the list of supported architectures and software ported over is quite large; here's a list:


Alpine is my distro of choice for very small systems and VMs once I make sure there are no compatibility issues with what I need to install/build, which can happen sometimes but is really rare. The amount of saved resources (CPU, storage) is significant, making it ideal for VMs.

the main issue i see is musl: they have an history of not acknowledging bugs and disregarding standards

last big issue i remember is they not implementing fallback-on-tcp when getting large dns record replies, so some dns record resolution would fail. the standard clearly says to switch to tcp under certain conditions, but they did not.

the bug was reproduced and reported, they refused to acknowledge it and kept the issue for a lot of people for a long time (at least one year iirc). they eventually relented and and implemented the correct behaviour.

call glibc what you want, but at least they don't have such dumb issues and that attitude.

Is it just that one example? And the situation now is they "relented"?

call glibc what you want, but at least they don't have such dumb issues and that attitude.

I... Don't know what to say. You really can't think of one decision that the glibc maintainers have made that caused a lot of pain for users? Pretty sure the musl author has/had a blog post full of them. You don't write c library for no reason at all.

You can always install incus and glibc. Went with musl for voidlinux, and for using certain appimage, I needed to have glibc. It was seemless to install incus, a debian image, and you have unlimited deb packages at your disposal.

> The amount of saved resources (CPU, storage) is significant, making it ideal for VMs.

Depends on the workload. Running anything which relies on C libraries under the hood is a minefield. E.g. Python's C libraries are often not compiled for musl, so each Python package installation requires compilation.

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