But it is not possible to use it without creating a Google account. I should not need to sign in to watch videos, especially when that makes all efforts at avoiding tracking null.
I get why you might not want to create a Google account, but how is it even possible to operate without one? I'm genuinely astonished by people who are able to get by in 2024 without having ever created an account on Google.
I have google accounts that I created a decade ago but I can't remember the last time I logged on one, except to log on gmail and clean the box in private browsing.
I basically only keep them because I used my real name and don't want anyone to steal an account/personnal info I might have created with that gmail address and impersonate me.
I don't really see what is difficult in operating without a google account.
I think the point about _having_ a Google account is one thing, but then there's the fact of having to be logged in. I use many of the Google services, but I don't have the need to be logged in while using YouTube for 99% of the time (if not 100%).
What do you need one for, if you're not in the Google ecosystem?
Just about the only thing I can think of is Google Docs. But if you need that for work, chances are you're using your work account for that, not your personal one.
the more it becomes "genuinely astonishing" that people can use the internet without $ProprietaryThing, the more important it is to resist using $ProprietaryThing wherever possible and at all costs. they have been pulling out all the stops for 10+ years to make it seem like you're required to have a google/icloud account to participate in society. it's slimy and endangers the neutrality of the internet.