Morally, sure, if you know your wealth is sourced from crime, you likely have a moral obligation to disgorge it.
Practically, that's difficult. If you grew up wealthy because of generational crime that provides life advantages you can't return. At best, you could make sure you direct any inheritance to victims if possible or a suitable charity (and not your family foundation).
Legally, this is not plausible. All sorts of legal principles dictate that lawsuits must be timely (for various values of timely) and estates become unlitigatable not very long after they're closed. There are some cases in the news about crimes in WWII and such, though.
Ok but only after I get a large chunk of Eastern Europe. I know I have some Polish/Ukrainian ancestry and they mush have been persecuted since they left for the US.
But if your wealth comes from a line of crime, then yes, compensation would be adequate.