I’ve known a couple of people to write in this style and I still like it! Antonio had a bit of this style in ~2009, Ribbon Farm’s contributors have been throwing stuff like this off for at least a decade now, and Nikhil Suresh (The Rightful Emperor of Mecatol Rex, natch) is maybe the most anti-biotic resistant evolved form of SARS-COV-FSCK-TEH-MAN to emerge recently.
Of course it could be a modern GPT with a context longer than my dick stuffed more full of better men than my ex-wife, so maybe I’m taking to a bot, but if it gets me a Jumbotron with Ana de Armas asking if I like real girls I’m still happy to talk to a machine.
Of course it could be a modern GPT with a context longer than my dick stuffed more full of better men than my ex-wife, so maybe I’m taking to a bot, but if it gets me a Jumbotron with Ana de Armas asking if I like real girls I’m still happy to talk to a machine.