Immediately reminded of this: that is an ongoing conversation in php-internals about removing a quirky/buggy behavior from PHP that, at the very end (at least of this comment's time) someone jumps in and says "yep, its useful, please keep it"
And this isn't even quirky/buggy, it's just the string representation of an error. That said, Go took a while to improve its core error mechanisms and add utilities for matching errors by type instead of its string representation.
In this case, it really is - because until Go 1.19, that function simply returned `errors.New("http: request body too large")`. So until Go 1.19, there really was no other way to check if this error occurred than `err.String() == "http: request body too large"`. Even if we had had errors.Is/As earlier, it wouldn't have helped in this case.
1 - Lang/OS/Lib developer puts out a quirky or buggy API (or even just an ok API)
2 - Developers rely on a quirky, weird or unexpected side effect because it's easier/more obvious or it just works this way due to a bug
3 - Original developer can't fix it because it would break compatibility
4 GOTO 1