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What's the best way to get started with Blender these days? I'm mostly interested in making art and possibly even 3d printing some stuff (do these skills overlap at all?).

I am a 3D (jewelry) artist & goldsmith who specializes in 3D printable models and sculptures, 99% done in Blender.

You might want to check out my Youtube channel for some free tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/@PhialoDesign

Or classes on Skillshare:

Here is one of my most successful classes, a complete workflow "From Sketch to (printable) Model": https://skl.sh/3219zVE (from 2020 but still 100% doable with current Blender version!)

Or my "Blender for Absolute Beginners" class that is a bit more recent, a thorough introduction to Blender and creation of a simple 3D printable bird :) https://skl.sh/3xw8S77

(Both links give you a one month free trial of Skillshare, and you can watch the intro video without logging in)

You may also buy my beginners course directly here: https://gesa-pickbrenner-s-school.teachable.com/p/learn-blen...

Cheers :)

Donut tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0J27sf9N1Y&list=PLjEaoINr3z...

As for 3d printing there are other software which is simpler if you need to do simpler things. But you can not go wrong in learning Blender for 3d printing as well.

I'd say that depends a lot on what you want to print. Some people might be able to use Blender for technical parts, but for most people traditional CAD software would be the better choice here.

CAD is great when you want to make a nice parametric model that you can edit as requirements change. But for a simple one-off part, I can often whip one up in Blender in a third the time it would take me to dimension everything in a CAD sketch.

You and I must make very different parts. Unfortunaley even my one-off 3D prints are never one-offs. I almost always have to go back and tune a dimension or two.

I've been running Blender training for 17 years and Grant Abbitt is what we normally suggest:


This post from three months ago discusses the donut tutorial (a famous blender course) and another one I've never heard about.


I think to get an expert answer on the topic you'll need to listen to what a beginner has to say, so I believe the link I provided is a good source to look into.

Depends on what you want to 3D print. If you’re going for functional parts, then you probably want a CAD package rather than something like blender. If you want to 3D print art than by all means blender is your friend

CG Boost‘s apple basket course (free) or their Blender Launchpad course (cheap).

Best way is to steal somebody else's model and improve it to your taste. That is the main use of Blender in 3D-printing, because parametric modelling is not the best property in Blender. Although it is almost feasible to define OpenSCAD model and ask AI to redefine in blender-python.

Hey ChatGPT, how you define an empty box in Blender Python?

  import bpy 
  empty = bpy.data.objects.new("Empty_Box", None)
  empty.empty_display_type = 'CUBE'
  empty.empty_display_size = 1.0

It seems to be "empty" in name only. Lets try again.

ChatGPT: The OpenSCAD statement difference(){ cube(11); cube(10); } creates a shape by subtracting a smaller cube (10x10x10) from a larger cube (11x11x11). Here's how you can create the same effect in Blender using its Python API:

  import bpy 
  import bmesh

  # Create the larger cube 
  bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=11, location=(0, 0, 0))
  cube1 = bpy.context.object

  # Create the smaller cube
  bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=10, location=(0, 0, 0))
  cube2 = bpy.context.object

  # Add a Boolean modifier to subtract the smaller cube from the larger cube
  mod_bool = cube1.modifiers.new(name="Boolean", type='BOOLEAN')
  mod_bool.operation = 'DIFFERENCE'
  mod_bool.object = cube2

  # Apply the Boolean modifier
  bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = cube1

  # Remove the smaller cube from the scene

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