Ah, I see what you mean. I'm not sure predicates like NewsData can actually be overloaded by arity, I'd have to check the docs. It mostly just seems like a shorter way to write the predicate with unbound variables.
> Are you aware of any SQL transpilers that spend so much time transpiling that you get irritated? I'm not.
Again, when you are running a tool on something that returns results in ~millisecond time, it is important the tool does not spoil that. Even 100-200ms is noticeable when you're typing things out. They could have worded it differently, it's probably just typical "A programmer wrote these docs" stuff, so it's just bad copy. A dedicated technical writer would probably do something different.
> Are you aware of any SQL transpilers that spend so much time transpiling that you get irritated? I'm not.
Again, when you are running a tool on something that returns results in ~millisecond time, it is important the tool does not spoil that. Even 100-200ms is noticeable when you're typing things out. They could have worded it differently, it's probably just typical "A programmer wrote these docs" stuff, so it's just bad copy. A dedicated technical writer would probably do something different.