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>why would anyone go to all this work if not for some financial incentive?

People die for altruistic causes. I don't think its unheard of for people to run websites for fun or fame.

This is silly. Do you have a job where you make a paycheck? Would you spend the same amount of time doing what you do at your job for the company that employs you if they didn’t pay you?

If not, then you also would not put in a bunch of work on anything simply for fun or fame

You’re suggesting a realistic outcome is people running software review sites for fun or fame?

We're saying that after every single recommendation you should make it bloody clear that you are profiting from this and how much? So people can make the independent decision about whether your 'reasearxh' is to be trusted or thrown in the garbage like it is.

We recommend software products too but don't hide behind euphemisms and hide our commissions.

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