To conclude for yourself, just compare the PISA result of the US and other developing country like VietNam or China, where they still keep the school tradition of homework and practice alive. And what do we see? Much higher PISA scores in math than the US. I refuse to believe some some folks have a "math gene" and other not.
Practice does not improve skills? You got to be kidding me! I didn't state that homework is effective in all contexts, but I firmly believe that practice is absolute necessary to improve any kind of skill. Some forms of practice is more effective than other in certain context. But you need practice to improve your skills. Otherwise, how do you propose to improve your skills? Dreaming?
Practice does not improve skills? You got to be kidding me! I didn't state that homework is effective in all contexts, but I firmly believe that practice is absolute necessary to improve any kind of skill. Some forms of practice is more effective than other in certain context. But you need practice to improve your skills. Otherwise, how do you propose to improve your skills? Dreaming?