yup wanted to say that live stream stuttering has happened before on Netflix - I don't think the reputation is deserved.
From a livestreaming standpoint, netflix is 0/x - for many large events such as love is blind, etc.
From a livestreaming standpoint, look to broadcast news, sports / Olympics broadcasters, etc and you'll see technology, equipment, bandwidth, planning, and professionalism at 1000x of netflix.
Heck, for publicly traded quarterly earnings livestream meetings, they book direct satellite time in addition to fiber to make sure they don't rely only on terrestrial networks which can fail. From a business standpoint, failure during a quarterly meeting stream can mean the destruction of a company (by making shareholders mad that they can't see and vote during the meeting making them push for internal change) - so the stakes are much higher than live entertainment streaming.
Netflix is good at many things, livestreaming is not one of those things.
for livestreams, individual events like the Olympics probably has a surge audience of 10x of netflix events.
Netflix events is small potatoes compared to other livestream stalwarts.
Imagine having to stream a cricket match internationally to UK / India / Australia with combined audience that crushes the Superbowl or a football match to all of Europe, or even something like livestreaming F1 racing that has multiple magnitudes of audience than a boxing match and also has 10x the number of cameras (at 8K+ resolution) across a large physical staging arena (the size of the track/course) in realtime, in addition to streaming directly from the cockpit of cars that are racing 200mph++.
Livestream focused outfits do this all day, everyday.
Netflix doesn't even come close to scratching the "beginner" level of these kinds of live events.
It's a matter of competencies. We wouldn't expect Netflix to be able to serve burgers like McDonald's does - Livestreaming is a completely different discipline and it's hubris on Netflix's part to assume just because they're good at sending video across the internet they can competently do livestreaming.
From a livestreaming standpoint, netflix is 0/x - for many large events such as love is blind, etc.
From a livestreaming standpoint, look to broadcast news, sports / Olympics broadcasters, etc and you'll see technology, equipment, bandwidth, planning, and professionalism at 1000x of netflix.
Heck, for publicly traded quarterly earnings livestream meetings, they book direct satellite time in addition to fiber to make sure they don't rely only on terrestrial networks which can fail. From a business standpoint, failure during a quarterly meeting stream can mean the destruction of a company (by making shareholders mad that they can't see and vote during the meeting making them push for internal change) - so the stakes are much higher than live entertainment streaming.
Netflix is good at many things, livestreaming is not one of those things.