Founders aren't known for their social skills or patience. Yes, we're difficult people—deal with it. We have our own issues with you other difficult folks. Perhaps the most frustrating is the pace at which some of you work. "Let's put it on our roadmap" or "Let's sync with..." are among the most annoying stalling tactics used by smug know-it-alls—and yes, we think that about you too.
Invariably, the "process" you espouse to slow things down is some cargo cult approach you've pulled out of thin air, and that's exactly where it belongs, with all due respect. In startups, the only agenda item is "done"—that's how fast startups move. And no, your internship at a startup, religiously watching every YC video, or taking an entrepreneurship course during your Ph.D. doesn't qualify you to speak on this subject. Understanding that we're not moving nearly fast enough is crucial; believing otherwise is self-delusional. <end rant>