Not necessarily — I've had the misfortune of working with someone who repeatedly, rather than subclass, duplicated the entire file.
Including the comments I'd added saying "TODO: de-duplicate this method".
That only got the project up to about 120 kloc before I'd had enough of that nonsense and left.
My understanding is that line count was mostly down to that one dev, as he didn't only ignore what I had to say when I was there, he also ignored the occasional contractor.
Oh, certainly, the 10k users can’t. That’s why I’m not talking about that. I’m saying that instead of looking at the number of users, just the fact they have a 400k lines codebase suggests that they must have enough money to hire a team that builds that (or had, at some point in the past).
Maybe so, but not necessarily. I have a couple of 300+kloc projects that I wrote all by my lonesome. It's far from an impossibility. On the other hand, there's a reason I only have a couple of those.
So not necessarily any budget for more than they did.