> It seems likely a good lawyer could pierce that corporate veil and go after the new company, but I don't know if that has happened.
He's spent the whole time since losing the lawsuit illegally shifting assets to his parents and they bankruptcy courts haven't seemed to be able to stop that.
For what it's worth, a lawyer _did_ ask the presiding Judge Christopher Lopez to tell Alex Jones he definitely can't do that and solidify this in writing the terms of bankruptcy, and the judge simply refused to even try on the basis that everyone involved is an adult and ought to know better.
It’s standard practice to let somebody else own your things when you are in a position that don’t allow you to have something. It’s not provable easily and if it’s justice to charge him 1.4B for talking some shit it’s also justice to use the loopholes of the system.
He's spent the whole time since losing the lawsuit illegally shifting assets to his parents and they bankruptcy courts haven't seemed to be able to stop that.