> They are vaccines. > Okay they aren't vaccines they are mRNA, but we changed the definition of vaccine.
There's many different types of vaccines, you can invent new ones without changing the definition.
> They prevent you from contracting and spreading the virus. > Okay they don't prevent you from contracting the virus but they prevent you from spreading. > Okay they don't prevent you from spreading but they reduce symptoms.
They work on a specific strain of the virus, they're not effective against other strains. The whole point about quarantining, social distancing, masks, etc, is to lower the spread of a strain before it has a chance to mutate into a new one so a vaccine that targets it can be administrated to enough of the population so it can actually be effective in stopping its spread.
Did you happen to have a brain worm by any chance?
It's not gene therapy. Gene therapy changes DNA. The vaccine causes some proteins to be produced temporarily and then it goes away.
And those proteins make the immune system react to build immunity to them. The second half of that sentence is the definition of a vaccine. What do you think a vaccine is?
And nothing is ever literally 100% safe, but people exaggerate. It's ridiculous to reject something because it got exaggerated about at some point.
There's many different types of vaccines, you can invent new ones without changing the definition.
> They prevent you from contracting and spreading the virus. > Okay they don't prevent you from contracting the virus but they prevent you from spreading. > Okay they don't prevent you from spreading but they reduce symptoms.
They work on a specific strain of the virus, they're not effective against other strains. The whole point about quarantining, social distancing, masks, etc, is to lower the spread of a strain before it has a chance to mutate into a new one so a vaccine that targets it can be administrated to enough of the population so it can actually be effective in stopping its spread.
Did you happen to have a brain worm by any chance?