A human driver, especially one that owned the car, can gauge the threat and drive off if they're being carjacked, even if it physically endangers someone outside the car. The autonomous vehicle is timidly not going to run someone over, even if they're threatening the vehicle.
The other thing is the Waymo will just let you off where it thinks is good and not right in front of the address you selected, even if it's a sketchy neighborhood. Still, especially if it's late night, I'd rather send a woman home in a Waymo than a Uber/Lyft, after one of my friends was assaulted by one of their drivers. That's not possible in a Waymo.
Haha why do I have to be for/against Waymo like it's a sports team and blindly cheer for the local one? It's a technology with good and bad things about it
Thieves recognize an easy mark in Waymo cars, paralyzing them. Police dispatch autonomous drones to address the situation. The drones, unable to identify which is the threat, decide to destroy both the people surrounding the car and the car.