Hey HN,
I’ve been thinking about this a lot: why do Google and Microsoft, with their vast resources and expertise in cloud infrastructure, still have no true alternative to Amazon SES?
Building scalable, reliable email infrastructure is no small feat—I'm well aware. But does that fully explain the absence? Postmark was built by a small team back in 2009, proving that it can be done, even without a tech giant’s backing. So why the radio silence from Google and Microsoft on this front?
Is there a technical barrier I’m missing, or could it be something else altogether?
Would love to hear your thoughts / ideas
Both offer outbound bulk emailing. Google supports that through the GMail API, and Microsoft has both the Exchange-based email system and Azure Communication Services. Google partners with Sendgrid as well for customers who need that kind of solution.
I don't know what you mean by "true alternative to Amazon SES." What counts as a true alternative depends on requirements. Large-scale outbound emailing seems like a niche business with low margins and high frustration (criminal scammers, blocked IP ranges).
I could ask why Amazon doesn't offer a true alternative to GMail and Outlook. Different business models probably explain it. Amazon AWS makes money by renting out resources. Google and Microsoft make money doing that too, but they rely more on data collection, advertising, and in Microsoft's case CRM systems that include bulk emailing.