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All the time settings that are or were historically used in Go tournaments had their own quirks and idiosyncrasies that added charm to the time management issue. At the same time, I can understand the tediousness of Canadian being an argument not to use it anymore. Last time I played with it was at a tournament in Brussels where they were using old-school chess clocks, effectively making it the only viable solution.

Nowadays, as mentioned, Fischer trumps all with its simplicity, but some still enjoy playing with byoyomi (supported both by newer chess clocks and by old Ing clocks), since they got used to managing their thinking time in regular intervals once base time was spent. Personally, I've been advocating using Fischer for the longest time, since said management strategies were more natural to me in this case, and I'm glad DGT clocks became the common standard at tournaments now.

Fischer is "simpler" if you have a Fischer clock (and "simplicity" is basically irrelevant if you have a programmable software clock). If you have to manually add time each move it's a whole other story. A traditional analog clock (as used for chess) only knows how to count a fixed amount of time for each player, and anything else is a manual adjustment. If you have to do it mechanically, surely a single byoyomi period (reset to X if the button is pressed while the needle is between zero and X) is at least as easy to implement as Fischer (move the needle back by Y every time, limited to some Z maximum).

Fischer removes a lot of thought for the player around "oh I know what I want to play, but I better think more or the time is wasted" kind of thinking that some other systems have. It does add "oh I can play this forcing move for free extra time", but I never do those (it feels vaguely scummy) so effectively I don't need to think about it.

It's also easier to specify eg: you have 5 minutes, add 10 seconds/move. That's all of it. The specification for byoyomi or canadian are pretty detailed if you don't just assume someone knows how it works.

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