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If you can afford it, please try kagi[0]. It's not a panacea. It IS a lot better than Google and has been for some time.

[0] https://kagi.com/welcome

Speaking of which, they're just no better.


There's a postmortem update at the end of this post.

Related discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40011314

I read this in a previous discussion of kagi.

Not going to read it again but if I recall it was more than half complaining about things not at all related to kagi search. Stuff like how they manage their finances and administration.

Sure that effects how well they can deliver search at some level but ultimately if their search is better than alternatives then I'm gonna keep paying them.

The search is better. That is what I pay for. And the summarization is actually quite useful.

My gut feeling is that you didn't even read the piece. Read first then get back at me.

Wrong gut feeling then. It complains about Kagi not focusing on what their unique proposition is, and then about the t-shirts. That can all be true, at the same time as their core product is still also great.

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