The original wordcount to response word count ratio is not really relevant IMO— for example, people have written thousands of pages dissecting the Tao which is a mere couple dozen pages long.
However, better layout (ie. more paragraphs) would help.
"However, better layout (ie. more paragraphs) would help."
Yes. I saw that huge block of text after just reading the GigaOM article and just skipped right over it. I came here to see what people thought on the matter, but I wasn't about to invest it all on one post.
Still, downvoting the other guy that mentioned the length of the piece is pretty crappy. "It adds no value to the conversation". Hell it doesn't. His thought was exactly my thought and the cause of my reaction (to skip the War and Peace-length comment).
For a "comment that didn't add value" he sure got a lot of comments.
However, better layout (ie. more paragraphs) would help.