As a performance metric that does seem like it would be more valuable for lots of use cases, so measuring that seems good.
Maybe they need to add an additional “cpu bound multiprocessing perf”, and make it easier for professional tech reporters to understand complex concepts like benchmark numbers :D (in fairness to the reporters it does sound like the benchmark name legitimately implies that it’s a max parallel throughput benchmark, but if this is your job you should really know what your benchmarks are actually measuring).
Honestly a benchmark I would like to - which is more of a software/kernel/os/scheduling one - is “how responsive is this machine under heavy load”.
A non zero part of wanting that as part of a benchmark is that popular benchmarks often seem to be the only way to get companies to fix “uncommon” issues.
As a performance metric that does seem like it would be more valuable for lots of use cases, so measuring that seems good.
Maybe they need to add an additional “cpu bound multiprocessing perf”, and make it easier for professional tech reporters to understand complex concepts like benchmark numbers :D (in fairness to the reporters it does sound like the benchmark name legitimately implies that it’s a max parallel throughput benchmark, but if this is your job you should really know what your benchmarks are actually measuring).
Honestly a benchmark I would like to - which is more of a software/kernel/os/scheduling one - is “how responsive is this machine under heavy load”.
A non zero part of wanting that as part of a benchmark is that popular benchmarks often seem to be the only way to get companies to fix “uncommon” issues.