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My 2010 i7 MBP would do that under heavy loads. All aluminum body, with fans, and when that CPU really had to work it put out a lot of heat.

Compiling gcc multi thread a few times would be enough.

Not only that, they seemed to get hotter with each subsequent generation.

My 2015 could get hotter than my 2010. I think my work 2019 gets hotter still.

I think the Intels were hotter than my G4, but it’s been too long and the performance jump was worth it.

Got an M1 Air, it blows them all out of the water (even 2019, others aren’t a surprise). And it does it fanless, as opposed to emulating a jet engine.

And if you really push it, it gets pleasantly warm. Not possibly-burn-inducingly hot.

My experience is the same. I only owned one Intel MacBook Pro.

Was the only one I needed thankfully. Missed the whole port reduction and power bar mess.

I love my M1 Air. It is the first general purpose computing hardware that felt like a real advance. I measured that two ways:

How much closer to my mobile is it?

How much faster is it?

The Air feels like a Mobile Computer if that makes any sense. One USB port expander to serve as a dock of sorts later and it makes for a great desktop experience.

When using it on the go, it has that light, powerful feel much like running my phone does.

Great machine. It is easily my favorite computer Apple has ever made, 8 bit greatness and an older age aside.

Same. Easily the best computer I’ve owned in the last 25 years in terms of satisfaction/niceness.

People really like that machine.

Mine is sticky. As in when others get hold of it, next thing I hear is usually, "oooh" and then it takes some time for it to come back!

I got mine for a song. Sweet deal, but it is the 8GB 256GB configuration. Not too big of a deal, but more internal storage would be nice. Maybe I will send it out somewhere to get a boost.

Would have already, but I worry a little about those services.

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