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Reddit community cracks a cyphered message found on a subway station (reddit.com)
7 points by MK_Dev on July 5, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

A substitution cipher wasn't secure even in 1846 [1]. This is probably part of an ARG [2] or just the original poster trolling for attention.

[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gold-Bug

[2]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternate_reality_game

Idiocy. I don't want to read Reddit. Stop this.

i can't see the cyphered message, it says "[deleted]"

Submitter says it was removed on a Reddit technicality.


"canipaybycheck Your post was removed because you did not ask a question in the title, which is the first rule in the sidebar. I hope that helps, have a nice day!

I am still alive don't worry!!"

This isn't reddit, damnit!

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