> IBM is nearly done getting back the $34 billion that it spent.. to acquire open source software supporter Red Hat.. [which] doubled in size since the acquisition, with an annual run rate of $6.5 billion and delivering a compound annual growth rate “in the mid teens” over those five years.. OpenShift had an annualized run rate of a mere $100 million when IBM took control and is now running at $1.3 billion, a factor of 13X increase over the five years
> IBM is nearly done getting back the $34 billion that it spent.. to acquire open source software supporter Red Hat.. [which] doubled in size since the acquisition, with an annual run rate of $6.5 billion and delivering a compound annual growth rate “in the mid teens” over those five years.. OpenShift had an annualized run rate of a mere $100 million when IBM took control and is now running at $1.3 billion, a factor of 13X increase over the five years