then you are blissfully unaware of how much data is already being interpreted for you by computer algorithms, and how much you probably actually really like it.
This comes off as condescending. As things have gotten more algorithmic over the last two decades, I've noticed a matching decrease in the accuracy and relevance of the information I seek from the systems I interact with that employ these algorithms.
Yes, you're right that there are processing algorithms behind the scenes interpreting the data for us. But you're wrong: I fucking hate it, it's made things worse, and layering more on top will not make things any better.
I don't think anyone can disagree. If you ask someone to give you an interpretation of the works of, say, Allen Ginsberg, or of the theory of relativity, and they come back with a pile of documents ordered in some fashion, you won't be satisfied because that's not what you asked for.
99.99% of all data is complete garbage and impossible for a human to sift through. Most spam email doesn't even end up in your spam inbox. It gets stopped long before that.