I did say all that (incl the 1M+) stuff coming from personal experience. I have "fixed" all kind of libraries (incl. database drivers, JDK itself, PKI cert loading, netty/jetty, ORM providers). I'd consider jaxb/jackson on the easy side of things.
Also I'd actively remove all apache commons as well. Even in Java8 most of the functionality is redundant.
With all that I meant it should not be really underestimation.
You are really part of the cream, and I mean it as an honest compliment.
I am part of the dark matter, although self-initiated java upgrades already put me on the right side of bell-curve.
> Also I'd actively remove all apache commons as well. Even in Java8 most of the functionality is redundant.
I used to think that. Then I had to decompress zip files in memory and selectively process the children. Of course Java has the functionality covered in stdlib, but they require so much boilerplate, and commons-compress was such a pleasure that I was done in 10 minutes. The same goes for other apache libs too.
OTOH, I wholeheartedly agree about Lombok being unjustified curse.
Also I'd actively remove all apache commons as well. Even in Java8 most of the functionality is redundant.
With all that I meant it should not be really underestimation.