I'm not really seeing this direction of travel. I hear a lot of claims, but they are always 3rd person. I don't know or work with any engineers who rely heavily on these tools for productivity. I don't even see any convincing videos on Youtube. Just show me on engineer sitting down with theses tools for a couple hours and writing a feature that would normally take a couple of days. I'll believe it when I see it.
Well, I rely on it a lot, but not in the IDE, I copy/paste my code and prompts between the ide and LLM. By now I have a library of prompts in each project I can tweak that I can just reuse. It makes me 25% up to 50% faster. Does this mean every project t is done in 50/75% of the time? No, the actual completion time is maybe 10% faster, but i do get a lot more time to spend on thinking about the overall design instead of writing boilerplate and reading reference documents.
Why no youtube videos thought? Well, most dev you tubers are actual devs that cultivate an image of "I'm faster than LLM, I never re-read library references, I memorise them on first read" and do on. If they then show you a video how they forgot the syntax for this or that maven plugin config and how LLM fills it in 10s instead of a 5min Google search that makes them look less capable on their own. Why would they do that?
Why don’t you read reference documents? The thing with bite-sized information is that is never gives you a coherent global view of the space. It’s like exploring a territory by crawling instead of using a map.