> The underrepresentation of women in open-source software is frequently attributed to women’s lack of innate aptitude compared to men: natural gender differences in technical ability
Maybe I'm just of a younger generation, but I've literally never heard this in my life. The assumption among people my age has always been that women just generally aren't interested in software development at the same rate that men are; not that they're naturally worse at it!
Are you certain that memo was making an argument that "women lack innate aptitude compared to men"? It's been a while since I read it, but it seemed to me that it was arguing that differences in gender representation may be mostly attributable to differences in the degree to which men and women were attracted to high-pressure jobs at Google, rather than because of discrimination in hiring or promotions, and that the gap would be better addressed by making those jobs intrinsically more attractive to women, rather than by hiring quotas.
That was, well, one weirdo and a bunch of laypeople (who were, one suspects, into the idea for political/ideological reasons), though; I don't think many _programmers_ ever believed this.
That assumption is also wrong, and while less insulting on a surface level, I’m not sure it’s any less harmful. Women are interested in all STEM fields but have historically not been treated as capable because they’re women. We have tons of data on that, including experiments where using a feminine or masculine name changes how contributions are received.
>We have tons of data on that, including experiments where using a feminine or masculine name changes how contributions are received.
Your link is to reporting of a viral anecdote shared by an editor for a movie review site. It's also about how clients responded, not coworkers.
Aside from the "experiment" being N=1, easily confounded by any number of factors (such as the simple fact that, from the client's perspective, a supposedly troublesome contact was being replaced at all), and at least partially an excuse for Mr. Schneider to complain publicly about his boss, all of this clearly has nothing to do with "STEM", let alone programming. Historically it has been common in programming circles to receive contributions under pseudonyms (or, for that matter, first-initial-plus-last-name usernames) that don't disclose gender.
The argument you present here is simply not intellectually honest (and I have seen very similar arguments countless times over the years).
> The argument you present here is simply not intellectually honest (and I have seen very similar arguments countless times over the years).
It takes a special kind of gall to accuse another of intellectual dishonesty by using a Wikipedia article as proof and in under thirty minutes in the same thread say that Wikipedia cannot be trusted.
Hard to find a better example of intellectual dishonesty than using a source as proof when it supports your argument and decrying it as unreliable when it doesn’t.
I did not use that Wikipedia article as proof. I used it to cite the well known phenomenon to which I referred. There are plenty of sources available in the article to follow up on.
Furthermore, the article I linked to is clearly distinct along the lines that I described in the other post: it's not trying to paint a historical narrative, but to document a phenomenon noted by researchers.
I had thought this was a place where people don't stalk other users to try to attack them personally. (Also, your attempt to try to identify some kind of hypocrisy is ignoring the actual critique I offered of your own source.)
It’s the same thread, and a fairly short one. I read it again looking for new insights, as I often do, found someone criticising Wikipedia, and looked at the user name. Calling that stalking is delusional. Or, dare I say it, intellectually dishonest.
My initial response was different, and I even thanked you for the correction, but I deleted it and posted a new one after suspecting (as per the above) that you might not be arguing in good faith.
Please don’t try to play the victim when you’re the one who initiated the conversation with personal attacks.
"The argument you present here..." is not a personal attack. It's a statement about the argument. "It takes a special kind of gall to..." is. It's a claim about the person making the argument.
If we change that from "women just generally aren't interested in software development at the same rate that men are" to "women aren't as interested in software development as a career at the same rate as men" then it might not be so wrong.
I remember reading about a large study of pre-college students in OECD countries that found that while the top students in STEM fields were about equally split between boys and girls, for the boys it was more likely that they were only top in a STEM field. The girls were more likely to be top students in multiple fields.
Students tend to go on to the field they are best in. For the top boy STEM students that tends to be STEM. For the top girl STEM students the field they are best in often turns out to be one of the non-STEM fields they are also top in.
This would also require there have to been some enormous _shift_ in these 'innate aptitudes' in the 1980s or so; there were lots of female programmers in the 50s and 60s.
But yeah, I'm 39 and have never heard anyone serious claim that the gender imbalance is due to innate ability.
Back then, the title of "programmer" tended not to describe the person who came up with the logic, but rather the person who punched the holes in the key cards.
It might not just be people assuming they're inferior; it could also be that they have an unwelcoming or uncomfortable culture. For instance, if it's dominated by men who have eccentric interests that the women don't share, that might not seem to be an appealing group to get into. Worse, if it's dominated by men who are all interested in them romantically/sexually to the point where it feels like harassment, that wouldn't be appealing either.
Whenever I see those arguments about unwelcoming culture of programming, I’m thinking back on how I myself got into it. It was mostly a solitary activity with a lot of reading of manuals and tinkering and whatnot. There was not really a “culture” to not “welcome” me. Is everyone else just way more social about their programming activities? Like you show up to a club and feel shunned?
First, it's well-known that women are generally more social (or at least, better trained for socialization) then men. So yes, they're naturally going to worry more about a welcoming culture.
Second, maybe you got into it as a solitary activity as a child (I did too, long ago), but unless you work at a very, very unusual job, it's not at all a solitary activity these days at any normal company.
I think we're long past the point where this is a realistic scenario at least in 99% of situations, what does actually still happen though is coming across articles that fearmonger such for profit whether or not it's true. Those articles tell newcomers they are inferior and do not belong while pretending to be on the newcoming reader's side, despite exploiting them.
>For example, I was describing the comment that started this thread, where someone implied women are inferior programmers.
The comment that started this thread did no such thing. In fact, the entire point of that comment was to argue that this is itself an unfair stereotype of the community (i.e. that such a belief is not prevalent).
It instead quoted a claim from the article - which indeed implies this in a vague, hand-waving way, by citing another paper. When I look at the abstract for that paper, in turn, I don't actually see the claim asserted; the closest it comes is
> Challenges that women face in OSS are mainly social, including lack of peer parity and non-inclusive communication from a toxic culture
Also, that paper in turn describes itself as "a survey of the literature".
The whole thing comes across to me as an act of citogenesis (https://xkcd.com/978/).
Either women are naturally worse programmers and that leads to less interest, or they are less interested in programming which makes women worse programmers.
Unless I am missing another interpretation, both imply women are worse programmers.
Not really sure what you think making up such easily disproved lies does for your case here. The only people who will agree with you on this are people who already agree with some kind of intense dogma.
Nearly every woman I know in the sciences or engineering has a large number of stories of aggressive and inappropriate sexual advances, and in many cases outright sexual assault or rape in the workplace- typically from people in positions of power over them where they felt their careers were at risk simply from refusing the advances. Moreover, in most cases if they tried to report it or ask for help, even through official organization channels they were told there would be additional consequences if they didn’t keep quiet.
My workplace even had a sexual assault in the workplace training course where they coached us to stop co-workers from speaking if they started to disclose being victimized at work, I assume to avoid being legally responsible to respond appropriately.
> Nearly every woman I know in the sciences or engineering has a large number of stories of aggressive and inappropriate sexual advances, and in many cases outright sexual assault or rape in the workplace
That happens about as much in any field as long as you mix genders, so that is no reason to not want a software job.
I disagree, men in computer science are uniquely awkward, unaware, and often rude. I say this as a man in software. It's hard to have a conversation about the weather that doesn't end with me being a bit frustrated. A lot of these guys really don't know how to speak to women, or how to speak in general in a welcoming, calm, non-offensive way.
Maybe it's just the company I'm at but be aware this was also the case in college. It was hard to make friends when it seemed everyone was cosplaying an anime character while simultaneously bragging and trying to make me feel bad for my achievements, or lack thereof.
It's always struck me as absurd that the same group of people can be described like this and then simultaneously blamed for an epidemic of "aggressive and inappropriate sexual advances". (See also: https://slatestarcodex.com/2015/01/01/untitled/)
There are multiple reasons why. You'll notice that I mentioned they're typically rude and self-absorbed. To me, a man, I perceive that as such. But for a woman that could be seen as aggressive.
Keep in mind also the media they might consume. I mentioned anime cosplaying in real life - and I mean it. Now, look at how anime depicts women. They're sexual objects for men's enjoyment and entertainment.
But perhaps the biggest reason is men tend to get... overly confident in male-dominated spaces. This is something I've noticed since I was a child. All bets are off in locker rooms or at the poker table or in an online game. It's an opportunity to say the vilest things imaginable.
>But perhaps the biggest reason is men tend to get... overly confident in male-dominated spaces. ... It's an opportunity to say the vilest things imaginable.
Yep, this is one big reason I hate being in all-male environments or workplaces. Men are usually much better behaved when there's some women around.
I doubt that, as the less women in a field of work, the more likely an individual woman is to stand out and be targeted. Situations that put you frequently alone in closed offices with a single other person also contribute to the risk. Do you really think kindergarten teachers experience these things at work as often as software engineers?
It could also be that women value work/life balance more than men, while the tech industry is rather infamous for poor work/life balance. The fact that most tech jobs are exempt from overtime in the US doesn't help.
It’s not just a matter of values- culturally prescribed gender roles often override peoples personal values and goals. Women are more likely to be legally, socially, and/or biologically required to care for children (the last one refers to breastfeeding and pregnancy).
Men also experience more social pressure to be successful at work, or else are seen as not as worthy of respect as people or as romantic partners regardless of their personal goals and values.
Often it's the opposite. When you aren't very good at something, you have to work twice as hard. I've met plenty of men who thought that programming was cool so they became obsessed with learning how to code without having the innate skills. It mostly doesn't work out, but during that period of time, they were more interested in learning to code than a lot of programmers. And many do try open source. That's why there are a lot of junk pull requests on Hacktoberfest.
> First, I infer the gender of users from their usernames and the information provided on their profiles, labeling users as feminine, masculine, ambiguous, and anonymous.
This isn't going to give accurate results. It's common for those who are female to conceal this fact, with neutral usernames and profiles, to avoid harassment from predatory males.
Similiarly, there are many males who present with a feminine username and profile for various reasons, such as a desire to be female.
>Similiarly, there are many males who present with a feminine username and profile for various reasons, such as a desire to be female.
If you could actually get accurate data identifying which programmers are actually male or female, and which male programmers desire to be female, I wonder if you'd see a quantifiable difference in their code compared to regular males.
...or more often to capitalize on the short term, early benefits (attention, leniency, opportunity, etc) often offered to women. This (males using a female name + character) is a common practice in multiplayer games.
The premise is that "Women code differently, but no worse .."
ie. Stylistic differences likely arising from in-group dynamics, cross reading, pair programming, etc.
As such there's likely no implicity { transgender, male, female } style, more various styles that are more pronounced in groups that cluster, be that male programmers, female coders, transgender hackers, google devs, etc.
While transgenderism is by no means common, it is unusually
frequent in programmers, and by my observation even more so in more productive programmers who are more likely to be selected if selecting people from code written. The ‘programmer socks’ meme does appear to have some merit.
This sounds like complete anecdata. Just because jart is skilled at coding doesn't mean there is a statistically high proportion of trans people in the "skilled coders" demographic.
Definitely anecdata but I can +1 that all sorts of people outside the mainstream enjoy safety in online communities because of the anonymity. This has always been a draw since the early internet up through now. You can rise through the ranks of open source using only your words and your code.
>There is an elevated co-occurrence of autism in trans individuals, with recent meta-analyses suggesting that 11% of trans individuals are autistic. The presence of autism in trans young people can create clinical challenges by adding complexity to the presentation, assessment and management of those presenting to gender clinics. Although many trans young people display traits of autism, how these traits relate to the nature of their gender diversity is unclear.
>Despite the study’s limitations, the initial pilot data gives reason for additional research to be
conducted. Similar to Wei, Christiano, Yu, Blackorby, Shattuck, and Newman’s 9 findings, this
study also supports the commonly accepted assumption that individuals with ASD are very likely
to major in Computer Science.
And to clarify, I did not vet these, it was a very lazy google search.
That fits with the common observation that men who identify as women typically understand women even less than other men, and often have some oddly inflexible and sexist ideals of womanhood - because their ASD traits make it difficult to understand people generally and can lead to underinformed mental models of the world around them, including human behavior.
If you just look at women and not men then it could be possible. Among the competitive female gamers the top spots with most overall money winnings are all trans, you have to go down a few spots to find a born female. Of course there are hundreds of men with similar winnings as those trans women, but point is that among extreme successes there can actually be way more trans women than other women.
That sounds like some kind of bias. First of all transgenderism does not seem to me to be more frequent in programmers. I've seen a handful out of like hundreds in the past few years. There might be more of a tendency to seek attention among trans people, or perhaps people like that stand out in your mind as memorable.
If you see lots of trans people where you work, they may very well be hiring or at least referring each other. I've seen that phenomenon with gay people too. Once in a while you'll run across a business with a lot of one kind of person.
I am to take your handful as 5 and hundreds as say 200, that is 2.5%. Which is far more than 0.5% for the general population so it appears on that point we agree.
My cohort is the category theorists / functional programming crowd which indeed has a higher percentage of trans people in it than even other programming cohorts. But this is not due to a hiring ring, they lack the numbers.
No more like 3 out of 500. I think you might be kinda right in most cases that they lack numbers for extensive hiring rings but anyone gay-adjacent is likely to relate to them. They are also more likely to have a leg up when it comes to getting hired at big companies because of their obsession with DEI.
As far as work quality, I think assuming trans people are better in some way is the same kind of fallacy as assuming autistic people are geniuses like Rain Man. Most of them probably aren't.
Geniuses are more rare than autistic people so while it is safe to assume that most autistic people are not geniuses it’s still very possible that a genius is much more likely to be autistic than the general population. You’re using a conditional probability incorrectly to straw-man your fallacy.
By my observations geniuses are very likely to be on the spectrum. At least 50%.
I really don’t know what the normal programmer experience is like, I exited the labor market before the DEI stuff really got traction. My rule of thumb is, of all the code that I’ve seen that I’ve been impressed by, it’s far more likely to be written by a transwoman than a non-trans woman by a significant margin. A disappointing observation for a straight male who had aspirations of dating a hacker-girl. Additionally the more impressive the code the higher percentage likelihood of transgenderism, I do think high IQ, autism spectrum / ADHD, and transgenderism are rather correlated.
>You’re using a conditional probability incorrectly to straw-man your fallacy.
No, I'm not.
>By my observations geniuses are very likely to be on the spectrum. At least 50%.
The problem is, you are disproportionately likely to notice someone being odd and then incidentally being a genius, than someone normal who happens to be a genius. There is also an issue with the "continuum" nature of the "spectrum" that makes people assume that any bookish person with lame social skills has a neurological affectation instead of just a lack of social experience.
>My rule of thumb is, of all the code that I’ve seen that I’ve been impressed by, it’s far more likely to be written by a transwoman than a non-trans woman by a significant margin.
So you're really saying, the code is more likely to be written by a biological man than a biological woman. That is statistically true. Most women have better things to do than slave away on some obnoxious code.
>A disappointing observation for a straight male who had aspirations of dating a hacker-girl.
I was lucky enough to date a cute engineer girl once. Unfortunately it didn't work out. It's like trying to date someone with 10x more options than a normal woman, who has like 10x more options than you by default. I could probably accuse her of being on the spectrum because of how she ended the relationship, but I think she just doesn't have enough common sense to accept the few minor flaws I have. Then again, idk who else she had waiting to date her in the background. It could be as simple as, she met someone with more money. She was rich and I wasn't, and that was a problem. As most women require a partner who makes more money than they do, having a girl who does the same job as you can be kind of a problem.
>Additionally the more impressive the code the higher percentage likelihood of transgenderism, I do think high IQ, autism spectrum / ADHD, and transgenderism are rather correlated.
I think all of those things are correlated because of social media, except for IQ. But at this point we are just speculating.
You are all kinds of wrong. Geniuses (>165IQ) are rare enough that you can feasibly put in the effort to study them individually and in detail. Most people are unlikely to have ever met a single one in person. It would be ridiculous to try to source general stats of geniuses from people you have met in person.
Again you're not understanding conditional probability, the code I've been impressed by has a strong selection criteria bias as I'm only impressed by a very very tiny percentage of code that I've read, additionally I don't read every line of code written. This selection criteria is so strong that the fact that men in total write more code than women is almost completely irrelevant.
A large part of science is dedicated to not finding obvious things out about IQ which is increasingly hard to do as statistical tooling and data has become widespread. Most academics are stuck with old data and tooling and a existential requirement to find only politically correct results. If you think DEI is bad then you should see the anti-racists pledges that must be made by academics for access to data. My findings are from a mountain of data and sophisticated tooling but unfortunately I can't make appeals to authority when posting anonymously.
From the first line of the abstract: "The underrepresentation of women in open-source software is frequently attributed to women’s lack of innate aptitude compared to men".
Perhaps I am obtuse, but I've been in FOSS for 15+ years and I have never heard this as a common topic. When it is infrequently mentioned, its almost always shouted down quite quickly in the FOSS community as sexist nonsense.
The first is that the measure of quality doesn't actually capture quality. It's like measuring the quality of a writer by looking at only their grammar and spelling.
The second is that it implicitly makes causal claims, but the design makes it impossible to infer any causal relationship between sex and code.
Curious what others' take is on just the empirics of the paper itself.
Territoriality in code has been a very male pattern that seems bizarre, given the type of work we do. In purely anecdotal experience: A small team hires its first female developer in a team of several. The senior developer on the team recommends against hiring her, but management prevails. In their separate projects everyone in the team is a top performer - they finish the work for a fraction of the estimated time, the female developer knows the languages they work with so well she can identify bugs and future browser quirks even when reading code on paper. Everyone is detail oriented and keep their code meticulous. The team clocks extra hours regularly without complaint.
The senior developer is made manager on the team. He begins to require all javascript code to have C-style curly brackets. (the opening bracket goes below the function declaration, not right next to it). The reason for it: he is the only one on the team with a C background and prefers to read everyone’s code that way. Overnight he goes into all repositories for multiple customer projects that have nothing to do with each other and changes the code to his preference. The next day the individual developers who work on each project, lose hours sifting between meaningful changes and style preferences and adjust their code. The next night he changes everyone’s code again. Control and desire for dominance over the code base when the code is essentially multiple consulting projects for multiple different customers done by multiple developers at the same tech consulting firm. His treatment and outbursts were worst against the female developer. The female developer among others on the team left for more senior roles elsewhere soon after.
The female software engineers I have worked with have been diligent and thoughtful and often more skilled than male peers, but the treatment of them has always been different in one way or another. I am not surprised if most hide the fact that they are female in open source code contributions. One of the perks of crafting software is you don’t need permission to make stuff, and you certainly don’t need to tolerate bad behavior distracting from the work. The easiest way for teams to lose female developers is to let an insecure bully chase them out.
I confess I find it surprising that they code differently. That is, my prior would be that there is no real difference based solely on sex. Their may be differences based on education. But why sex?
Why not sex? You only have to meet a few men and a few women to observe different preferrences for different strategies to the same problems. Even different perception of problems at all in the first place.
You can't imagine how that can result in different code?
It's the least remarkable claim imaginable. Though I'm not sure this study quite proves it.
You only have to meet a few people to know that you will find different preferences period. And I know plenty of men that prefer the same strategies as plenty of women that I know. Such that, no, I don't see any real differences in thought work between the two. Same reason I don't think they do math differently. Reading is probably more similar in technique than not. Even if choice of reading topics is wildly different.
I don't think it is impossible that there are differences. I just don't have it as my prior.
It is true and not meaningful that every individual is an individual.
There IS a pattern of group similarities. It's not some prejudice or discrimination or anything bad, it's just a simple fact that makes no sense to pretend to be blind to.
The same is also true for any number of other common properties like culture and language and age. But the question was not about that. the question was "I'm totally boggled, why would sex change anything about how people tend to code?"
My assertion/prior is that the differences that will dominate in programming/math will be cultural more so than sex. Men have real advantages in strength and physical tasks. I don't know of any similar differences in thought work.
I don't rule out the possibility. But I do place a low likelihood on it.
Also, I was not claiming any nefarious reasoning here. You introduced that verbiage.
No one said advantage. Merely difference. That is verbiage you introduced. There absolutely are differences in most often chosen types of approaches to problems.
There are an infinite number of ways to solve any problem, be it in the world or in code.
A common stereotype example (whether it's true or not, it still serves as an example of a difference in approach to a problem) would be how a male would more often choose to deal with some problem directly while a female will more often find some indirect way. Some people might say that as honest vs manipulative, or simple vs smart depending on their own bias and which approach they want to portray as more admirable.
I say the "manipulator" (female) way has a lot in common with what I as a male admire in the most "elegant" engineering solutions. Getting something to happen by itself from a small input vs a more direct brute force less flexible way. It can be bad, because one form of this indirect action is to manipulate people, but that is just one expression of it. The same thing also just means seeking and being willing to employ compromises and bargaining, being willing to give an complete asshole what they want to get what you need and not caring so much about your own pride or whatever. I myself am far less likely to do that. I judge and I don't compromise or bargain unless forced, and I rationalize it as not necessarily toxic because I don't think it makes the world a better place to let people get away with some things, I think it's important and worth it in the long run to absorb some difficulty to push back, precisely because many won't and someone should.
But intellectually I can recognize that there are these two different ways to attack the same problem, and they both get results, and so they are both valid, including the approach I myself don't usually choose.
Neither is better or worse or has a better or worse value necessarily. They are different ways to successfully get from the same A starting point to the same B ending point. But they are different.
In code there is practical infinity. Like preferring functions vs objects, implicit vs explicit, imperative vs declarative... countless different paths to arrive at a desired final result.
And they are not all equally random. Males and females absolutely have bell curves of how they are more or less likely to interpret some data or problem or process, and how they go about breaking the job up to get from a to b.
Other things like culture would have it's effect too, but that's just it's own seperate thing. We have studied ourselves thoroughly enough for long enough that even with all the bad and biased studies, we still just have overwhelming and ridiculously obvious data that there is a pattern of difference attached to sex regardless of all other factors.
Fair that I introduced advantages. I assume any difference can be used for some advantage; but I agree that is not necessarily true.
None of the rest of what you mention here changes my priors, though. I expect that some differences could be seen between different sexes in many things. Outside of childbirth and physical strength, I fully expect most would be driven by culture far more than any brain difference.
You obviously have different priors. Seeming to expect that there will be differences in thought work.
And you know what? That is fine. I'm surprised by your priors here, yes. You are obviously surprised by my priors, as well. That is fine.
So, to that end, I'll note I was not trying to say this shouldn't be studied. I do not dismiss that it could be, out of hand. I do fully expect that it is not the case. But it would be far from the first time my expectations were irrelevant.
I guess the thing for me is that my one open source project of note was an accident and from what I gather most male open source founders are similar. For example, Linux is notorious for being Linus's hobby project that hit it big.
So while I can see why a toxic community would stop women from contributing to an existing project, I think the 'starting' a project would be more interesting to look at. Most open source projects start by accident not intent. One would expect women to not have the same probability as men of a project hitting it big presuming they make the code public.
> The first algorithm intended to be executed by a computer was designed by Ada Lovelace who was a pioneer in the field. Grace Hopper was the first person to design a compiler for a programming language. [0] Throughout the 19th and early 20th century, and up to World War II, programming was predominantly done by women; significant examples include the Harvard Computers, codebreaking at Bletchley Park and engineering at NASA. After the 1960s, the computing work that had been dominated by women evolved into modern software, and the importance of women decreased. [1]
What a crazy history, and wiki entry. My supposition is that as soon as it started to become even slightly obvious that software was going to eat the world, the dominant social paradigm prevailed.
[0] WTF, how is she not way more celebrated? She invented the effing compiler!
> The first algorithm intended to be executed by a computer was designed by Ada Lovelace who was a pioneer in the field.
Babbage designed the first programs for the analytical engine.
> Grace Hopper was the first person to design a compiler for a programming language.
Hopper was the first person to use the word "compiler" for a program, but it was not a compiler by the modern meaning; it was a linker, and not the first.
> Throughout the 19th and early 20th century, and up to World War II, programming was predominantly done by women;
Not by the modern meaning; they manually entered programs designed by men.
> After the 1960s, the computing work that had been dominated by women evolved into modern software, and the importance of women decreased.
The design of programs has always been done by men mostly.
Yes. The reference it cites contradicts it: "The first algorithm intended to be executed by a computer was designed by Ada Lovelace" with a link to https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~robins/Ada_and_the_First_Comput... which says "Many people, for instance, incorrectly claim that Ada was the first computer programmer. (Babbage, not Ada, wrote the first programs for his Analytical Engine, although most were never published.)"
This is also a bit of a silly word play. Ada Lovelace got credit in some early works as being the first programmer as distinct from the designer of a machine that does calculations. This isn't a completely meaningless distinction. Especially considering that many modern programmers have no ideas on the physical work that the computer is doing.
But, it stands to reason that Babbage had some problems he sent through his machine. I would wager anyone that had access to it tried their hand some.
It is a Wikipedia article on a topic with clear "culture war" significance. The topic is not an objective individual person, event, place etc., but a narrative about events unfolding over a considerable time span, which concerns itself with a subset of the population and their interaction with technology and thus society.
Yes, of course it's entirely wrong. Wikipedia cannot be trusted for this sort of thing. It is a tertiary source by design (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedia_is_a_terti...), which entails that the most obsessed editors can cherry-pick what they like from already biased secondary sources (the ones considered "reliable"; the reputations of which may not be tarnished by "original research" or by conclusive proof coming from outside the list).
In my experience the average female coder is significantly worse than the average male coder, but the ones that are good, are usually very good. It just seems to me that males have a greater inclination towards logically structured thinking.
Over the years my coder colleagues have been about 95% male and 5% female. Of them, I rate about 80% of the males as producers of quality code, and about 95% of the females as such. That's just my experience and my subjective scores.
The minimum number of colleagues you could have had to arrive at those ratios is 400. Assuming you've had 400 colleagues, we can break down your ratios into:
- 380 men
- 19 women producing good code
- 1 woman producing bad code
I think the error bars on that one woman would be quite large, too large to draw any conclusions.
Now if I guessed wrong and you've actually had not 400, but tens of thousands of colleagues who you've been secretly tracking and ranking in your spare time, maybe you'd have enough data to draw a conclusion.
Setting aside the questionable methodology, I expect a lot of gigs are far more accepting of mediocrity from a man than a woman, so women doing software development are much more likely to self-select out if they're not up for it— whether in actuality or due to imposter syndrome.
In any case, I would generally agree with your take but express it a bit differently— the group of programmers who really blow me away with their ingenuity and commitment to excellence has significantly more women in it than the larger population ratio suggests should be expected.
Maybe I'm just of a younger generation, but I've literally never heard this in my life. The assumption among people my age has always been that women just generally aren't interested in software development at the same rate that men are; not that they're naturally worse at it!