> we do not want, or intend, to fork the Flutter community.
I can't reconcile that statement with the rest of the blog post. Good intentions aside, this is exactly what they are on the path to doing.
From the post:
> By forking Flutter, we get to decide what gets merged.
I'll allow myself to be naively blunt since I just learned of this and I don't have a stake in this battle, but it seems like a nice little coup attempt that Google can squash by putting more resources into Flutter if they feel the pressure.
I can't reconcile that statement with the rest of the blog post. Good intentions aside, this is exactly what they are on the path to doing.
From the post:
> By forking Flutter, we get to decide what gets merged.
I'll allow myself to be naively blunt since I just learned of this and I don't have a stake in this battle, but it seems like a nice little coup attempt that Google can squash by putting more resources into Flutter if they feel the pressure.