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OP is running Ghost, which is an application. Of course OP could have chosen to use a static site generator but didn't in this case.

I'm curious why they chose Ghost when Markdown works just as well, and either way, I believe Ghost can still work via Vercel etc.

I like Ghost.

I took my monthly costs down from 30$ to 4$ HN tells me I'm still wasting money.

I expect nothing less.

Ghost is much easier to use than editing and commiting markdown files. I'm also able to create posts programmatically via an API.

I guess this could all be done with Markdown too, but it would make things harder.

I used to use Ghost, so don't discount me as some "HN commenter." I switched to Markdown not for the cost but for the portability. It simply seemed easier to edit Markdown than to go into Ghost's editor for basically the same thing.

So I assume you edit markdown locally and then commit the files to Git which automatically builds into a static website?

I'm doing certain things with the Ghost API that I don't think I can really replace with that.

Yes I am. What are you doing with the Ghost API?

I automate the creation of certain posts.

Ultimately your not wrong, but I think Ghost is a great platform.

If anything I like creating tools that I can share with others. If I want to invite friends to post on my blogs it'll take 30 seconds to provide a login and creating posts is very easy with Ghost.

Getting non technical people to understand Git is a massive challenge I don't want to try again.

I see. Personally I don't let others write on my blog so I don't have the same use cases as you. If I had to, I'd ask them to just send me the Markdown file or text itself and I'd submit it via git myself.

I'm always open to learning.

Do you have any code to share which automates turning markdown to a blog site?

I just saw this on Show HN, might be exactly what you're looking for: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41976673


Search for static site generators, there are many. Some of the famous ones are Jekyll, Hugo, etc, but I personally use NextJS with MDX: https://nextjs.org/docs/pages/building-your-application/conf...

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