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"Vocation" is a synonym, though it is misrepresented by the Venn diagram at the bottom of the article

Looking up "vocation" in modern dictionaries just says that it's a career, but that is wrong. The real meaning is a "calling", or: something that brings good to the world, that you can do, that you enjoy doing, and that sustains your livelihood

I grew up around Lutheran communities who stressed what a gift a vocation is because it isn't something that most people can reach. But we shouldn't stop looking for ours

From the excellent 1913 Webster's dictionary:

Vo-ca′tion (vō̍-kā′shŭn), noun [L. vocatio a bidding, invitation, fr. vocare to call, fr. vox, vocis, voice: cf. F. vocation. See Vocal.]

1. A call; a summons; a citation; especially, a designation or appointment to a particular state, business, or profession.

2. Destined or appropriate employment; calling; occupation; trade; business; profession.

3. (Theol.) A calling by the will of God. Specifically: –

(a) The bestowment of God’s distinguishing grace upon a person or nation, by which that person or nation is put in the way of salvation; as, the vocation of the Jews under the old dispensation, and of the Gentiles under the gospel.

(b) A call to special religious work, as to the ministry.

I went to a Lutheran school that did a mini camp for finding vocation.

However when interacting the job market, I realized early on in my career that the modern economy leaves little room for exploring just that. Those I've observed bucking that trend I would more describe as "following their curiosity" - because usually, some good comes of it, even if you're not sure where it leads.

A "calling" seems like a perfectly cromulent word for what's being talked about

What is “the real meaning” of a word though?

On average, "water".

The definition it is given by the group that actually uses it

Have you heard of "vocational schools"?

That use of the term is no more "wrong" than yours -- i.e. they are both correct and clear in context.

I'm very aware of the Latin root.

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