Ah yeah, i'm aware of OLED issues. But my Vita OLED shows none of these, save for some diminished brightness perhaps. But I only play them indoors anyway and honestly at this point, i've exhausted most of the library worth playing exclusively on the vita, and I have better emulation machines.
The OLED vita side by side with the non OLED is still my preferred display. You are right though, if you want to rack up thousands of hours and add another decade onto the decade already past, the LCD unit is the better bet.
I have two OLED Vitas, a beat up one I used for 10 years and a gently used complete in box I imported from Japan. I prefer the LCD, and have for several years. However this is only a recent development (3-4 years) when I noticed the LCD at max brightness was significantly better in bright conditions than the OLED was. I've checked some of my friend's OLED Vitas too, and none of them are nearly as good as they were in the old days. The hue shift on some of the screens is pretty noticeable.
Looking back the old screen was awesome. Going forward I think the LCD Vitas will be a better pick.
The OLED vita side by side with the non OLED is still my preferred display. You are right though, if you want to rack up thousands of hours and add another decade onto the decade already past, the LCD unit is the better bet.