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How does this not break the foundations of quantum theory? For example the Heisenberg uncertainty principle itself implies that the conjugate of a discrete variable must have a continuous spectrum. Thus if there are no continuous variables, there can be no discrete ones either. Either this or we need to throw out one of the variables and call it non-physical/observable -- and yet it very much seems like both position and momentum are things.

The Pontryagin dual of a discrete (locally compact abelian) group is a compact group, and the Pontryagin dual of a compact abelian group is a discrete (locally compact abelian) group…


Momentum space being compact does seem weird..

Of course, if rather than a discrete group for space, you just have a discrete uh, co-compact(? Unsure of term. Meaning, there is a finite radius such that the balls of that radius at each of the sites, covers the entire space [edit: “Delone set” is the term I wanted.]), uh, if you take a Fourier transform of that lattice…

Err… wait, but if the lattice is a subgroup, how does the Fourier transform relate to…

I think the Fourier transform of a Dirac comb is also a Dirac comb (with the spacings being inversely proportional) If you multiply the Dirac comb by something first… Well, if you multiply it pointwise by e^(i x p_0 /hbar) , then the Fourier transform will have whole thing shifted by p_0 , and this is periodic in (width of the spacing of the comb in momentum space)

So, if you consider all the pointwise multiples of a Dirac comb in position space (multiplying it by arbitrary functions), then I guess the image of that space under the Fourier transform, is going to in some way correspond to functions on S^1, I guess it would be functions periodic in the width of the comb in momentum space.

So, if instead of a regular comb, you jostle each of the Dirac deltas in the position space comb by a bit first (a different random amount for each)… I’m not sure quite what one would get…

> it very much seems like both position and momentum are things.

The operative word being "seems". Position and momentum (and indeed real numbers in general) are mathematical models that predict observations. But the observations themselves are the results of physical interactions that transfer energy, and those can only ever be discrete because energy is quantized.

Energy levels in simple finite systems are indeed quantized, but this does not mean we can not make the energy quanta be continuously parameterized. For instance, if your system is two mirrors facing each other and you are using the quantum description of the light trapped between these mirrors, you can pick any real value for the energy separation between levels of this system simply by continuously varying the distance between the mirrors.

Maybe one can make the argument that position itself is quantized (thus the position of the mirrors can not be varied continuously), but we do not have experimental reasons to believe space is discrete (and quantum mechanics does not require it to be discrete). And while it is pleasing to imagine it discrete (it is more "mathematically elegant"), we do not have any significant rigorous reasons to believe it is.

Edit: Moreover, if you want to describe (in quantum mechanics) the interaction between a finite system and the open environment around it, the only way to get a mathematical description that matches real-world experiments is to have continously parameterized energy levels for the systems making up the open environment. If you assume that only discrete values are possible, you will simply get the wrong result. Most quantum optics textbooks have reasonably good discussion of this. E.g.:

    Quantum Optics by Walls and Milburn

    Quantum Optics by Scully and Zubairy

    Methods in Theoretical Quantum Optics by Barnett and Radmore

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