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There was a time when I was in favor of this idea - helping the terminally ill die with dignity seemed like a compassionate idea. Perhaps it still is. My problem with assisted suicide is not that it's giving terminally ill people a way out, it's the unintended consequences. We've already seen the slippery slope argument proven true time and time again. Young people, poor people, people with mental illness, veterans and the critically injured being funneled into assisted suicide. We've seen authority figures talk of counseling people with the wrong political opinions toward suicide. We've seen the profession attract "doctors" who take such glee in the act that in any other context they'd be viewed as serial killers. I'm sorry, but the number of unnecessary deaths that I'm okay with in order to alleviate the suffering of a few is zero.

>the number of unnecessary deaths that I'm okay with in order to alleviate the suffering of a few is zero.

"A few" is doing some serious heavy lifting here

Most deaths aren't pleasant nor peaceful. And modern medicine can keep your body alive for a long, long while as you survive in pain even when there's no chance of things ever getting better

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