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> and heavily try to get people to use Safari on macOS

how so? on any new macOS install, I use Safari to download Firefox. After that, I never think about Safari until I'm trying to use its DevTools to look at iDevices. I never get a nag screen about Safari. I have never had default browser changed after any updates.

so where exactly is this heavy handed attempt at forcing Safari down anyone's throat?

I'm not on a macOS machine right now, so can't show you any specific examples, but scattered links/actions across Apple applications still open Safari from time to time (I think Xcode was especially gnarly for a long time), as it seems at one point Apple hardwired the links/actions to open Safari rather than the user set browser. Search for `site:discussions.apple.com wrong browser` in your favorite search engine and you'll get some actual examples.

Back when I used to run Chrome, I noticed one case that would do this (it was buried in Spotlight), but it didn't seem intentional (especially because web search results in Spotlight always respected the default browser setting, and showed the correct browser icon as well). I use Safari now though, so I won't be finding any more cases like that anytime soon.

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