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All I want is a good TUI git log viewer. I'm perfectly happy to do all the operations on the command line, but navigating the log works well interactively (e.g. start as --first-parent, with single line entries and then be able to selectively show branch commits, and patches for commits).

I end up with a log view and then copy and paste commit hashes to do different things. Or use Sublime Merge which is great, but doesn't work over SSH.

Not a great solution, but install emacs and then magit. A bit of a learning curve but works great.

I love Emacs and magit and use them myself but this advice seems a little bit like telling someone looking to buy an airline ticket that the best way to get from coast to coast is to become a pilot

It's true that the juice may be worth the squeeze for some, but "a bit of a learning curve" undersells it a little bit, I fear LOL

That’s a strange parallel to make. It’s not Linux from Scratch. The basic can be taught in 5 minutes. Enough for the requested task.

I was curious if tig(1) could do such a navigation. But I didn’t find anything.

tig seem pretty close. Does everything except toggling "first-parent". I might implement that bit.

I don’t understand? It accepts all git-log(1) etc. arguments. `git --first-parent` for example. But I don’t see how to navigate from a merge commit to the second parent or something.

Yes, I've just discovered that in parallel. All I need for perfection is to be able to enable/disable that in the view dynamically (and the cursor stay in the same place).

But what's there is actually useful and I've installed tig properly now.

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