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Right, but why did that break? As far as I can tell that part hasn't been touched in the hostile takeover.


It's still $this->add_field_filter( 'acf/format_value', array( $this, 'format_value' ), 10, 4 );

The file was last changed 7 weeks ago by deliciousbrains/wpengine and specifically the filter part is the same on their github.

Whatever they did, it didn't work. Maybe we are over-custimizing it but it is not unheard of to use ACF with multiple other plugins such as WP Code and custom scripts.

Strongly recommend installing the genuine ACF from www.advancedcustomfields.com - the WP Engine and ACF teams have provided timely updates (even fixed Automattic’s spurious security issue in less than a day) and have uploaded a permanent fix to MM’s malicious hack of ACF to create SCF.

The initial release of SCF only applied security fixes, changed the plugin name and removed upsells. I don't think there is any change that might cause the issue you are having.

If you can share the problem you are experiencing on Making WordPress Slack (#secure-custom-fields channel), I'm sure relevant people would love to help out ASAP.

I work at Automattic and I can get you in touch with people from WordPress.org if that's easier. You can email me at batuhan@a8c.com.

If there are any bugs, regressions or any issues with the fork, it's in the interest of everyone to quickly find and resolve them, so I'm sure your help would be appreciated.

So you guys don't get sued any further for essentially hijacking a distribution channel and pushing an unauthorized version?

If I were an employee of A8C I wouldn't be touching this code with a ten foot pole - employees can still be found guilty of criminal wrongdoing even if their employer told them to do something.

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