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This dude has issues, the reddit post in /r/MachineLearning top comment:

> Yes, basically. Delete any kyegomez link on sight. He namesquats recent papers for the clout, though the code never actually runs, much less replicates the paper results. We've had problems in /r/mlscaling with people unwittingly linking his garbage - we haven't bothered to set up an Automod rule, though.

[0] https://github.com/princeton-nlp/tree-of-thought-llm/issues/...

[1] https://x.com/ShunyuYao12/status/1663946702754021383


What really bothers me is that this kyegomez person wasted time and energy of so many people and for what?

followers, clicks? anyone who spends a few minutes browsing his repo will know he is a fraud. Here is an example:


most issues are people not able to run his code. These issues are closed. The repo has 700 stars.

Saw an issue which fails at `pip install alphafold3`. If you're gonna bamboozle me, at least put in the effort to get the first step right Xp

Just gonna leave this here: https://github.com/kyegomez/tree-of-thoughts/issues/78#issue...

Also this part from the reply before editing it away:

They get mad that my repo and code is better than their's and they published they paper, they feel entitled even though I reproduced the entire paper based on 4 phrases, dfs, bfs (search algos), generate solutions, and generate thoughts and this is it. I didn't even read the full paper when I first started to implement it. The reason they want people to unstar my repo is because they are jealous that they made a mistake by not sharing the code when they published the paper as real scientists would do. If you do not publish your code as a AI research scientists you are a heretic, as your work cannot be tried and tested. and the code works amazingly much better than theirs, I looked at their code and couldn't figure out how to run it for hours, as well as other people have reported the same. the motivations are jealously, self hatred, guilt, envy, inferiority complex, ego, and much more psychographic principles.


But its best to leave them out for sanity :)

Thanks for adding the unedited comment as it shines light over the newly fabricated comment.

I looked on his GH profile page. How was he able to amass over 16k GitHub stars?

New research paper drop or go viral > create a repo with AI code > post it in social media. Users star a repo to bookmark it. The few who test the code write in the issue section and get their issue closed with no replies.

Thats why some subreddits flagged these name squatters.

I think a lot of people use stars as a kind of bookmark, not for recognition. It takes time to read through the code or set up a working build from a fork. I, for one, occasionally use stars to remind myself to return to a repo for a more thorough look (especially if I'm on mobile at the time).

Also, bots.

I would be pretty astonished if the complainer manages to get the trademark they think they have on "swarms" enforced. People have been using the word "swarm" in connection with simulations of various kinds for as long as I have been interested in simulations (I mean I think I first heard the word swarm in connection with a simulation in relation to something done by the santa fe institute in the 80s if memory serves correctly - it's been a long time).[1]

Most likely outcome is if they try to actually pursue this they lose their "trademark" and the costs drive them out of business.

[1] I didn't misremember https://www.swarm.org/wiki/Swarm:Software_main_page

You may be interested in seeing a reply by the creator in these comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41819866

Yeah I saw it after posting my thing. So cool to have folks like that on this forum.

Are they trying to advertise swarm.ai?

Bad press is still press XD

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