I didn't get past the register wall, but Steiner and Weiss don't seem to have availed themselves sufficiently of the leisure (σχολή) which Veblen wrote about to have run across Cicero's recommendation wrt "counter-signalling": (...and now for some conspicuous citation)
There's an argument Cicero was just carrying forward into latin Aristotle's admonitions to behave as much with Justice and Temperance, as those favourites of the homo novus, Prudence and Fortitude.
It's pretty clear to me (by triangulating his other written output) that 1984 was based on the notion that if cheap rifles produced Liberté, égalité, fraternité, then nuclear triads would produce oligarchies.
If the drones are going to be doing all the fighting now, I sure hope they eventually get the vote? [I'm still curious what the arabic in "Malak" (2010) says]
I eventually figured (even if not syntactically obvious, eg 02014) that 2014 was 5774/1435; thought my excursion into Social Choice Theory had ACK'ed? — or had I picked the wrong rabbit warren?
EDIT: and Veblen had a shack in La Honda; I don't know what that area was like then or what it's like now, but to me LH says drum circles, dazers, and funny smelling cigarettes that just don't stay lit.
There's an argument Cicero was just carrying forward into latin Aristotle's admonitions to behave as much with Justice and Temperance, as those favourites of the homo novus, Prudence and Fortitude.