| | Feedback on agile process using Trello requested | |
1 point by yjkogan on June 29, 2012 | hide | past | favorite
| | The start-up I'm at just set some rules for how we're going to do development using Trello and I'd love to get some feedback from people who know better than we do! What's below is copied out of a google doc I put together.<p><i></i>Outline of Romo Agile<i></i>
<i>Details of Romo Agile</i><p><i>Sprints are 1 week long (we can adjust this if we need to)
The idea behind sprints is that at the end of the sprint, you have something (or somethings) that is (are) truly done (and usable). In order for us to do this, we need to think carefully about what those things are so that we can have a “finished product” at the end of the week.
Sprints are not supposed to have any stories added to them once they are started! If we do need to pivot mid-sprint, add the story to the backlog under proposed stories with a note that you think it should be added to the current sprint.<p></i>Sprint planning meetings are on Friday mornings
Friday morning meetings are a chance to plan the next sprint.
The first thing to do is add any new stories to the backlog.
Next, we assign scrum points to each story based on how long we expect the story to take
Finally, we move stories into the sprint board that we are committed to finishing during that sprint<p><i>Retrospectives are Thursday afternoon
Go over what we did during the last sprint
Go over what we didn’t finish
Discuss our priorities for the next sprint
Long term planning?<p></i><i>How we use Trello</i>*
<i>Project Managers</i><p><i>Each project will have an assigned project manager who is the board owner
</i>Project managers are responsible for making sure that boards are up to date and that no individual takes on too much in sprint planning.
<i>Project managers are also in charge of managing the backlog. Through their knowledge of the project they will be the best qualified to decide what sprint a story is likely to be done in. They are the only ones who can move proposed stories into the backlog.<p></i>2 Types of Boards*<p><i>Backlog Boards
We’ll have a different board for each high-level project (i.e. Android App, Website, etc.)
The cards on these boards will only be stories (no granular tasks) that are organized into lists by which sprint we expect to do them in.
A special list of “proposed stories” to add to the backlog. Only the project manager can move stories from the proposed story list into the backlog.<p></i>Sprint Boards
Story cards are green, sub-tasks for each story are red
Claim stories/sub-tasks by assigning them to yourself. As you work, move them from “To Do” into “Doing.” Once a task/story is done, move it to the “awaiting review” list and assign it to someone else for review.
If you review a task and it is in fact done, move it to “Done”, else move it back into “Doing” with notes about what still needs to happen (alternatively, if the bug you found is suitably different, add a new sub-task). |
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