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Could HN search special case "HTTP"?
3 points by yawpitch 12 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
I have a particular interest in http servers at the moment, but any search that includes “http” will return every story that has an http[s] link in the URL.

Could search terms that are network protocols either not return links that start with the network protocol? Or is there a way I’m not seeing of excluding just the protocol portion of the URL from matching (I’d want URLs that included “http” elsewhere in the URL, for instance).

I think you can use the HN API to restrict the search to only the title field:


Ahh, good to know as a workaround.

What‘s your problem? Typing http in the search field at the bottom results in https://hn.algolia.com/?q=http

All results have http in their titles.

Yes, but it’s pot luck if the term appears in the title at all… change from Popularity to Date and you’re just looking at every post that has an http/https URL, regardless of title.

I think the OP is tyring to filter out hits that have HTTP in the URL (which is all of them), so they need a way to exclude the URL field from the search.


How about searching for:


Nice idea, but same results and also breaks formatting (on iOS Safari, at least).

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