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Slick interface but the example they gave is depressing.

We taught the model to open a canvas for prompts like “Write a blog post about the history of coffee beans”.

If you're not heavily editing this post to say something genuinely new, then congratulations you've added even more drivel to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch of the internet.

Some people really think that they are now "content writers" with ChatGPT, just as those spitting out sort-of-working scripts think they are "software engineers".

I am sorry, dears, but this is not how it works. To be good at any of this, you should be able to do it yourself without any "prompt engineering", and the only path is through work, time, trial/error, and tons of frustration.

I get the argument against AI tools when it's about them not working as well as the hype says they do, but not when they are the "how dare you use a tool that makes it easier for you! That's cheating!" argument. When I was in school cheap pocket calculators were just becoming available. All of my teachers banned them as they saw them as an existential threat to teaching math and science. These days students are generally allowed calculators -- the teachers finally accepted that it's a good thing that tools can automate the rote parts so that teaching can move on to the more interesting and thought-provoking parts.

Content writers like you already destroyed the Internet by filling it with SEO word vomit everywhere.

Making products to empower sloppyjoes is all they have left it seems.

yeah I find this example depressing, as much as the "rewrite this simple sentence tinto a paragraph that adds nothing to it".

But to be less negative, this (or NotebookLM) could be useful to re-arrange and enrich one's own notes.

Sadly the amount of LLM slop on the internet is already out of control, and I'm afraid there's no going back.

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