I would be skeptical too, except I have directly felt qi in demonstrations and the force feels similar to the repulsive force between two weak magnets.
OP discusses a natural phenomenon that was previously overlooked. I think it’s worth keeping an open mind on other phenomena that have yet to be studied thoroughly.
I am, for my sins, what's called a "Reiki Master Level III" (and yes I feel foolish stating that "out loud" as it were.) I am also a rational materialist and, while not actually a scientist myself, I count among my heroes such people as Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov both noted scientists and skeptics of "woo".
Whatever "chi" is it is very much real in the same way that electricity and gravity are real. However, it doesn't register on electrostatic instruments, at least those I've tried.
That's all I've got.
Please stop saying it's not real because that's both wrong and regressive. The sooner we "do science to it" the better.
people wont believe until they feel it for themselves. As if the lineage of Chinese medicine and martial arts was all a cultural hallucination. No point in trying to convince anyone not to decry what they dont believe. Its not a part of reality they are open to experiencing. A lot of people cant cope with the continuous nature of reality and want to reduce it to discrete measurements to assuage their response to the unknown
(I've got the cabin fever today I think. This is as good a time and place as any to set this down...)
I believe that "we are not physical beings having spiritual experiences, we're spiritual beings having a physical experience", and so the lives we lead are not random, rather they are tailored (by angels?) to each soul to give it the experiences it needs to grow.
When Attenborough wonders at the cruelty of a God who would let e.g. a fly larva eat a child's eye, from my POV the real question (that I do not particularly want answered, because it scares me) is what mistakes did that soul make to get to the place where having such a terrible experience was the medicine it needs?
A devotee of Sai Baba wrote a book where she tells of seeing a woman holding her sick child and wondering why Baba didn't just miraculously heal the child, and later receiving a vision of the two souls in a previous lifetime where they had been a corrupt judge and his bailiff and together caused great suffering. To experience a life as a helpless mother and sick child was the medicine those souls needed to understand the consequences of their choices.
At this point I feel it's important to point out that reincarnation is common to all the major religions, including Christianity. Reincarnation was excised from Christian knowledge centuries after Christ, but they folks who did it didn't go so far as to edit it out of Jesus' own words, and He states clearly that Elijah and John the Baptist are the same soul.
Anyway, it seems clear to me that for many souls knowledge of Chi in their current lifetimes is not part of the educational curriculum.
However, I could be wrong about all that, and even if not there are presumably souls who are supposed to learn about Chi in this lifetime, so I bring it up from time to time.
Spot on. Life is a playground of learning. If higher dimensions exist, I think entities exist there as well. after 5d, is there really much separation, suffering, and delicious food to experience? Seems like there is a huge gamut of experience for humans available, and its affected by a bidirectional timeline. actions rooted in fear will perpetuation and butterfly over time until the reaction is transformed into a response.
OP discusses a natural phenomenon that was previously overlooked. I think it’s worth keeping an open mind on other phenomena that have yet to be studied thoroughly.