> What's important to the properties that Erlang maintains is that actors can't reach out and directly modify other actor's values. You have to send messages.
I just cannot make this mental leap for whatever reason.
How does 'directly modify' relate to immutability? (I was sold the lie about using setters in OO a while back, which is also a way to prevent direct modification.)
So, this is something I think we've learned since the 1990s as a community, and, well, it's still not widely understood but: The core reason mutability is bad is not the mutation, it is "unexpected" mutation. I scare quote that, because that word is doing a lot of heavy lifting, and I will not exactly 100% nail down what that means in this post, but bear with me and give me some grace.
From a the perspective of "mutability", how dangerous is this Python code?
x = 1
x = 2
Normally little snippets like this should be understood as distilled examples of a general trend, but in this case I mean literally three lines. And the answer is, obviously, not at all. At least from the perspective of understanding what is going on. A later programmer reading this probably has questions about why the code is written that way, but the what is well in hand.
As the distance between the two assignments scales up, it becomes progressively more difficult to understand the what. Probably everyone who has been in the field for a few years has at some point encountered the Big Ball Of Mud function, that just goes on and on, assigning to this and assigning to that and rewriting variables with wild abandon. Mutability makes the "what" of such functions harder.
Progressing up, consider:
x = [1]
In Python, the list is mutable; if someFunction appends to it, it will be mutated. Now to understand the "what" of this code you have to follow in to someFunction. In an immutable language you don't. You still need to know what is coming out of it, of course, but you can look at that code and know it prints "[1]".
However, this is still at least all in one process. As code scales up, mutation does make things harder to understand, and it can become hard enough to render the entire code base pathologically difficult to understand, but at least it's not as bad as this next thing.
Concurrency is when mutation just blows up and becomes impossible for humans to deal with. Consider:
x = [1]
In a concurrent environment where another thread may be mutating x, the answer to the question "what does the print actually print?" is "Well, anything, really." If another thread can reach in and "directly" mutate x, at nondeterministic points in your code's execution, well, my personal assertion is nobody can work that way in practice. How do you work with a programming language where the previous code example could do anything, and it will do it nondeterministically? You can't. You need to do something to contain the mutability.
The Erlang solution is, there is literally no way to express one actor reaching in to another actor's space and changing something. In Python, the x was a mutable reference that could be passed around to multiple threads, and they all could take a crack at mutating it, and they'd all see each other's mutations. In languages with pointers, you can do that by sharing pointers; every thread with a pointer has the ability to write through the pointer and the result is visible to all users. There's no way to do that in Erlang. You can't express "here's the address of this integer" or "here's a reference to this integer" or anything like that. You can only send concrete terms between actors.
Erlang pairs this with all values being immutable. (Elixir, sitting on top of BEAM, also has immutable values, they just allow rebinding variables to soften the inconvenience, but under the hood, everything's still immutable.) But this is overkill. It would be fine for an Erlang actor to be able to do the equivalent of the first example I wrote, as long as nobody else could come in and change the variable unexpectedly before the print runs. Erlang actors tend to end up being relatively small, too, so it isn't even all that hard to avoid having thousands of variables in a single context. A lot of Erlang actors have a dozen or two variables tops, being modified in very stereotypical manners through the gen_* interfaces, so having in-actor truly mutable variables would probably have made the language generally easier to understand and code in.
In the case of OO, the "direct mutation" problem is related to the fact that you don't have these actor barriers within the system, so as a system scales up, this thing "way over there" can end up modifying an object's value, and it becomes very difficult over time to deal with the fact that when you operate that way, the responsibility for maintaining the properties of an object is distributed over the entire program. Technically, though, I wouldn't necessarily chalk this up to "mutability"; even in an immutable environment distributing responsibility for maintaining an object's properties over the entire program is both possible and a bad idea. You can well-encapsulated mutation-based objects and poorly-encapsulated immutable values. I'd concede the latter is harder than the former, as the affordances of an imperative system seems to beg you to make that mistake, but it's certainly possible to accidentally distribute responsibilities incorrectly in an immutable system; immutability is certainly not a superset of encapsulation or anything like that. So I'd class that as part of what I mentioned in this post before I mentioned concurrency. The sheer size of a complex mutation-based program can make it too hard to track what is happening where and why.
Once you get used to writing idiomatic Erlang programs, you contain that complexity by writing focused actors. This is more feasible than anyone who hasn't tried thinks, and is one of the big lessons of Erlang that anyone could stand to learn. It is then also relatively easy to take this lesson back to your other programming languages and start writing more self-contained things, either actors running in their own thread, or even "actors" that don't get their own thread but still are much more isolated and don't run on the assumption that they can reach out and directly mutate other things willy-nilly. It can be learned as a lesson on its own, but I think one of the reasons that learning a number of languages to some fluency is helpful is that these sorts of lessons can be learned much more quickly when you work in a language that forces you to work in some way you're not used to.
I've run into something like this when working on embedded systems using OO. You have persistent mutable data, you have an object that encapsulates some data, you have multiple sources of control that each have their own threads that can modify that data, and you have consistency relationships that have to be maintained within that data.
The way you deal with that is, you have the object defend the consistency of the data that it controls. You have some kind of a mutex so that, when some thread is messing with certain data, no other thread can execute functions that mess with that data. They have to wait until the first thread is done, and then they can proceed to do their own operations on that data.
This has the advantage that it puts the data and the protection for the data in the same place. Something "way over there" can still call the function, but it will block until it's safe for it to modify the data.
(You don't put semaphores around all data. You think carefully about which data can be changed by multiple threads, and what consistency relationships that could violate, and you put them where you need to.)
Is that better or worse than Erlang's approach? Both, probably, depending on the details of what you're doing.
That's possibly what I meant by the "actors that don't get their own thread" at the very end. I've switched away from Erlang and write most of my stuff in Go now, and while I use quite a few legit "actors" in Go, that have their own goroutine, I also have an awful lot of things that are basically "actors" in that they have what is effectively the same isolation, the same responsibilities, the same essential design, except they don't actually need their own control thread. In Erlang you often just give them one anyhow because it's the way the entire language, library, and architecture is set up anyhow, but in Go I don't have to and I don't. They architecturally have "one big lock around this entire functional module" and sort of "borrow" the running thread of whoever is calling them, while attaining the vast majority of benefits of an actor in their design and use.
If you have an "actor", that never does anything on its own due to a timer or some other external action, that you never have to have a conversation with but are interacting with strictly with request-response and aren't making the mistake someone discussed here [1], then you can pretty much just do a One Big Lock and call it a day.
I do strictly follow the rule that no bit of code ever has more than one lock taken at a time. The easiest way to deal with the dangers of taking multiple locks is to not. Fortunately I do not deal in a performance space where I have no choice but to take multiple locks for some reason. Though you can get a long way on this rule, and building in more communication rather than locking.
You're talking about putting semaphores around code.
Locking data, not code, is a great way to do things. It composes and you don't run into too-many-locks, too-few-locks, forgetting-to-take-a-lock, or deadlocking problems.
You're correct that any process can more or less send a message to any other process, but the difference is what guarantees the Erlang runtime provides around that idea.
For example, in Erlang, if I have processes A, B, and C, and B and C both send messages to A at the same time, the runtime guarantees that A processes the messages one at a time, in order, before moving on to the next message (there is some more detail here but it is not important to the point).
The runtime guarantees that from A's perspective, the messages from B and C cannot arrive "simultaneously" and trample on each other. The runtime also guarantees that A cannot process both messages at the same time. It processes the messages one at a time. All code in A is run linearly, single-threaded. The VM takes care of scheduling all of these single-threaded processes to run on the same hardware in parallel.
As other posters have pointed out, the runtime also guarantees that B and C cannot reach in and observe A's raw memory in an uncontrolled fashion (like you could in C, Java, etc.), so B and C cannot observe any intermediate states of A. The only way for B and C to get any information out of A is to send a message to A and then A can send a reply, if it wants. These replies are just normal messages, so they also obey all of the guarantees I've already described, so A will send the replies one at time, and they will end up in the mailboxes of B and C for their own processing.
Given all this (and more which I haven't gone into), Erlang doesn't have the concept of a data race where 2 or more threads are concurrently accessing the same memory region, as you might have in say, the C language (note that this is different than a logical race condition, which Erlang of course still can have).
I hope this is useful, you're asking good questions.
I just cannot make this mental leap for whatever reason.
How does 'directly modify' relate to immutability? (I was sold the lie about using setters in OO a while back, which is also a way to prevent direct modification.)