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ScanOSS spams OSS projects for using profanity (github.com/scanoss)
46 points by vegadw 8 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 35 comments

I really dislike the attitude that open source maintainers should adapt their code to comply with any bullshit requirements from random companies just so they can use the code. Be grateful that someone wrote code for you to use freely.

On the plus side, adding profanity once it is scanned for sounds like another way to weed out some commercial use without explicitly weeding out some commercial use..

That could be handy to an already annoyed maintainer.

I thought that's why they named those cities with suggestive names, to keep out other (literal) religions.


There are multiple places named Peoria, such as IL, named after a native American group: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peoria,_Illinois

And I suspect that it is not an accident, and that the founders were well-aware that "Peor(ia)" carries negative connotations not only for Jews and Christians (Nm 23-25, Dt 3), but also for anyone who spoke Spanish--it would be like "Let's move to Shitty Heresy-Scandal Town? No thanks!"

You could sell a commercial license to a "swear free" version, haha.

<rant type="vulgar">

If it's open source everyone is allowed to create derivative works. That includes companies with a stick up their ass. They should get their shit together and god damn fork it themselves. Or if everyone able to do it left because of this type of bullshit they can put their money where their mouth is and fucking pay someone to maintain a 'cleaned up' fork on their behalf.


What do you mean “put in effort”????

It’s open source, that means you do the work, and we get the outputs of your effort plus support when we require it, all for free, duh.

Clearly, if you didn’t want to do that, you wouldn’t have made it open source!


Goes straight onto my list of "software I will never use". Wasting the time of maintainers is not cool.

The dev's own comment (https://github.com/scanoss/purl2cpe/issues/24#issuecomment-2...) is infuriating:

> For your information, bad language is banned in most organizations and, therefore, if you are interested in having adoption of your Open Source, it is good practice to avoid such language.

> If you are not willing to receive contributions from the community, if you are not interested in your Open Source contribution gaining adoption, or if you prefer people to sign special agreements to make contributions, perhaps you are better off closing down your repository, making it private.

How about, if I release something for free, that I made on my own time, anyone can feel free not to use it if they don't like how I've written it.

I don't think I've even sworn in a public repo. I try to keep it professional. But if I did, and someone has a problem with it, they can write their own fucking software. They're not paying me to cater to their whims.

What the fuck! What a naïve yet narcissistic and arrogant mind.

It’s almost as if it’s a school project, written by a student. “Write something on x topic with y constraints to get the grade”

Who the fuck uses software like this? Not me.

Improper language detected

I hope this message finds you well. From ScanHN, we are constantly reviewing Hacker news comments and noticed the use of language that could be considered vulgar or inappropriate on one of your repositories. As you have posted your comment as Public Comment, it's important to maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout the discussion. We kindly ask that you refrain from using such language and update your submission accordingly.

The next table summarizes our detections:


Word 3


Your contributions are valuable to all HN community, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out.

Improper language detected

I hope this message finds you well. From ScanHN, we are constantly reviewing Hacker news comments and noticed the use of language that could be considered vulgar or inappropriate on one of your repositories. As you have posted your comment as Public Comment, it's important to maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout the discussion. We kindly ask that you refrain from using such language and update your submission accordingly.

The next table summarizes our detections:


Entirety of line 6


Your contributions are valuable to all HN community, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out.

This is managerware. The company behind this focuses on generating bills of materials for software projects. They're targeting checklist based management.

Some people got upset that the default dictionary for some compression standard, I believe Brotli, which you practically have to use and ship for compatibility with standard servers, contains words like "fuck". That's the kind of people that would like their software chain to be swear-free, just in case a customer hits ctrl+u on their React application and reports seeing all kinds of naughty words to upper management.

If you ban one word of profanity people will invent others with the same meaning to avoid filters.

I try to use profanity rarely in public writings, and then usually to demonstrate a specific point.

Anyone who goes through the trouble of implementing a profanity filter that would prevent them from seeing something I've written is probably someone I wouldn't want to deal with anyway. That is, if a rare cuss word offends their delicate sensibilities, other things I say would likely give them an aneurysm. Ergo, me occasionally cursing may be good for both parties if it keeps me off their radar.

Simply use Github's mechanisms to Report Abuse


This should save some time hunting for the link in GitHub's UI

I don't understand. ScanOSS has a bot that scans ScanOSS's own repo, so what's the issue?

What I see is that the bot was badly programmed and it did not ignore quoted text, so the first automated report triggered another bot response which quoted the swear word which triggered the bot a third time.

They are/were scanning random public projects and creating unsolicited bugs in those projects to chide them about profanity in their source code. The linked thread is just a bunch of the victims of that spam having some fun with the format.

Thanks for clarifying, I was puzzled.

The first comment in the thread is a victim of ScanOSS's spam mocking them by opening an issue in their repo following the same format as their bot.

Exactly. When I made that comment I never thought It'd go this for or that the CTO of a ScanOSS would be this dense, so the opening of the thread is admittedly a bit confusing. I still had the email from the bot's original issue being opened, so I thought I'd point out their hypocrisy.

Pretty funny thread, thanks for sharing. No idea what they are thinking...

Fuck the taught police and the horse it rode in on with a dull chainsaw.

God forbid if the bot hit any repos of those using Brain Fuck.

Who asked for this? Who demanded this? What is the problem that these people are trying to solve? What I'm trying to say is what the fuck is wrong with these people?


"As you have marked your project as Open Source, it's important to maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout the codebase."

The only proper response to this is: "No. It's not. Fuck you. Fuck your mother, and fuck the fucking horse you rode in on, may you eat shit for the rest of your days and choke on it."

I mean, who even comes up with notions like this? What law of universe is there that dictates what attitude I must have when marking my software as open source?

I'm not sure if others can see the comments of mine "marked as abuse"

Those are


Oh! Looks like I still had my response to your bot open, so here was my raw, unfiltered, and (Oh no!) vulgar original thoughts, before I toned it down to comment here:


OOPS! Did I swear in my own repo? My bad.

Cursing, and how the open source community represents itself, are - and I can not stress this enough - not a business-polite thing. You're welcome to fork (Within my license terms) and remove them, but given part of open source and a healthy hacker ethos is the counter-culture vibe that made the technology I'm sure even you yourselves use possible, you can

[in fancy unicode text, unsensored] Go F* yourselves

What you're doing is not helpful to the OSS community, it's helpful to your business partners that profit off open source, and given the trend in industry, do so typically without giving back. You want to do something meaningful? Drop a recurring sponsorship of my website so I can take more time to write guides and cool things using whatever language I choose to best convey my intent and feelings.

That project was https://github.com/VegaDeftwing/opinionatedguide in case you interested in fucking sponsoring me <3 I would really fucking appreciate it!

--- and ---

Hey @agustingroh it looks like you're the most frequent committer on SCANOSS repos, thought I'd nudge this to get some attention brought to it. Still awaiting an apology myself, though at this point needing to ask for it makes it rather moot personally, it would still be nice for everyone else SCANOSS spam'd.


How they decided that second one is "abuse" is beyond me, but as you can see, while a bit less vulgar, I was, indeed, pissed off.

> I'm not sure if others can see the comments of mine "marked as abuse"

They can, but they need to be logged in and manually click on 'show comment'.

> "No. It's not. Fuck you. Fuck your mother, and fuck the fucking horse you rode in on, may you eat shit for the rest of your days and choke on it."

That's the quiet part you're not supposed to say out loud on Github, because the language police that made the issue will get salty and get your account restricted.

Which is why I say it here and not there.

I say fuck 'em.

I'd suggest they consider renaming the bot PearlClutcherOSS; it would be a better explanation of what its contribution to the FOSS community is.

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