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I get very upset when junior employees try to keep me from doing the 'dirty work' I'm preparing to do or already doing.

I'm not sure where this whole nonsense of "people who lead can't get dirty or do menial work" comes from. If I had something more important to do for sure I would have delegated, but seeing that I didn't, ask why is this particular thing important or, at most, offer help. Don't tell me I shouldn't be doing this!

Context: I lead a team of 4. And by 'dirty work' I mean plugging up servers, doing maintenance on them, physical networking stuff, cleaning up debris after an installation, etc.

Is it possible that your team wants to demonstrate some level of ownership? Maybe prove to you that they have what it takes?

I don't do things because my boss is a vp and is above the work. I do things because I fully own my job and gobble up as much responsibility as I can get.

Are you any good at it? Maybe they don't want you to do it for a reason :)

Yes, don't forget that they may be afraid of telling you you're not helping.

That's not the case, I'm sure.

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