My last job had an internal tool for deploying all, or a reduced set of, their platform into a kube namespace. We called them One Time Environments and used them for testing and development. They were fantastic, really fast to spin up, and pretty cheap to run as they were on our own hardware. I've never found anything similar that doesn't cost an absolute bomb of money.
Now I've moved to an early startup and I'm really missing the tool. So I've started putting together my own with a few improvements.
This one can support multiple infrastructure types such as ECS, K8S, and anything else you could write an agent for. It's also going to do the same for zero trust auth, starting with tailscale.
Once we've got it up and running we're going to open source it. Could be a few more months though.
Building it using elixir, phoenix, and live view as that's my background.
We're doing this as an internal tool so right now the priority is to make it useful for us. We use tailscale already so we've decided to support that initially. But the auth is setup in a pretty modular way, so anyone should be able to write a different provider for whatever auth system they want to use. I've not come across OpenZiti before but I'd imagine it would be possible to write one for it.
Now I've moved to an early startup and I'm really missing the tool. So I've started putting together my own with a few improvements.
This one can support multiple infrastructure types such as ECS, K8S, and anything else you could write an agent for. It's also going to do the same for zero trust auth, starting with tailscale.
Once we've got it up and running we're going to open source it. Could be a few more months though.
Building it using elixir, phoenix, and live view as that's my background.