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Ruby Meetups (rubyconferences.org)
112 points by mooreds 17 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Had a flashback to twenty odd years ago in Sydney when there weren't enough Rubyists to get a reservation at the pub for a meetup so we had to team up with the Smalltalk guys. Ahhh, different times.

It gave me a flashback to 2007, when I was a hobbyist programmer and signed up for a Ruby meetup on a whim, and a recruiter called me 5 minutes later and ended up getting me my first programming job. Crazy to think how much that changed my life.

Interestingly, Sydney does not seem to have an event listed on this site when I checked. Adelaide and Auckland lead the charge, with an occasional Melbourne meetup.

As an aside, I dislike the strong association between Rails and Ruby. Ruby can be a fun scripting language. In my experience I'm generally about as productive writing Ruby as I am with writing Python, but Ruby seems to get bucketed into a very Rails centric world of "not the worst choice you could make if you wanted to make a web service" (at least when it comes to meetups).

Maybe it's just that the web service guys are more likely to need a support group! :)

I agree with you, but it’s an indisputable fact that Rails is why the overwhelming majority of Ruby programmers have paying jobs.

> Interestingly, Sydney does not seem to have an event listed on this site when I checked.

To be fair, Boulder Ruby is pretty active, and we aren't on that list. Just moved to Luma from meetup but have had meetings 10 months a year since 2016.



Note this is hosted on gh so you can open a pr to add yours: https://github.com/ruby-conferences/ruby-conferences.github....

I’m on mobile at the moment otherwise I’d do it myself

Why moved to luma

Meetup cost too much. We have some great sponsors (github, dnsimple, mojotech) but not a ton of cash.

We decided we'd rather provide pizza for more meetups than pay for meetup.

Thank you

I keep telling people to think of Rails as a “ruby-like” language. Rails monkey-patches so much and has so much magic that it’s substantially a different thing.

Ruby is my go-to language for automation scripts, it just makes it so easy. For web apps I use Crystal, and have started to try Elixir.

I started the Portland Ruby meetup back in '02. IIRC we had 4 people including myself in that first meeting at a pub. And it went that way for several years where we'd never have more than about 6 people (and often less). Then after Rails hit it took off. I Haven't been to one in at least a decade.

This list is hosted on github, contributions are welcome: https://github.com/ruby-conferences/ruby-conferences.github....

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