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Yes, but I didn't write that about blockchain five years ago. Blockchains are the exact opposite of AI in that the technology worked fine from the start and did exactly what it said on the tin, but the demand for that turned out to be very limited outside of money laundering. There's no doubt about the market potential for AI; it's virtually the entire market for mental labor. The only question is whether the tech can actually do it. So in that sense, the fact that these researchers are finding methods that work matters much more for AI than for blockchain.

Really, cause I remember an endless stream of people pointing out problems with blockchain and crypto and being constantly assured that it was being worked on and would be solved and crypto is inevitable.

For example, transaction costs/latency/throughput.

I realize the conversation is about blockchain, but I say my point still stands.

With blockchain the main problem was always "why do I need this?" and that's why it died without being the world changing zero trust amazing technology we were promised and constantly told we need.

With LLMs the problem is they don't actually know anything.

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