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> The alternative is the npm hellscape where you have a package for "isOdd" and a package for "is even" that can break the entire ecosystem if the owner is disgruntled because everything depends on them.

The is-odd and is-even packages are in no way situated to break the ecosystem. They're helper functions that their author (Jon Schlinkert) used as dependencies in one of his other packages (micromatch) 10 years ago, and consequently show up as transitive dependencies in antiquated versions of micromatch. No one actually depends on this package indirectly in 2024 (not even the author himself), and very few packages ever depended on it directly. Micromatch is largely obsolete given the fact that Node has built in globbing support now [1][2]. We have to let some of these NPM memes go.

[1] https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v22.x/api/path.html#pathmatch...

[2] https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v22.x/api/fs.html#fspromisesg...

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