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I originally did this simple layout in 2012 (simple white, grid of projects) - https://www.bennyschmidt.com/ and have several times tried to more exciting things with Three.js, or the ole make my site look like an OS to showcase my UI skills thing, etc. but no matter how impressive these experiments are I get the most compliments on this one.

Nothing over the top just "I took a look at your site and loved X" "Nice portfolio!" "You have a good eye for design"

But I never got any comments on anything super creative and flashy. When I was exclusively looking for work in games my site was a game, but nobody cared. To game people it wasn't AAA and to tech people it wasn't Apple.

Seems like simple and easy is best.

When I have hired designers or FE devs I don't even interview them if they don't have a personal site.

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